Do you know all important questions and answers for Madam Rides The Bus? Madam Rides The Bus is a very important lesson of class 10 prescribed by SEBA and CBSE.
For the final HSLC and CBSE examinations, these questions are very very important.
2. What was Valli's favourite pastime?
Ans-Standing in the front doorway of her house and watching
the happening in the street outside.
3. What was the most fascinating thing for Valli?
Ans-The bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town.
4. What was an unending source of joy for Valli?
Ans-The sight of the bus filled each time with a new set of passengers.
5. Did Valli and her friends understand the meaning of the word "proud" ?"
Ans-No, they did not understand. They used it often as a slang expression.
6. How did Valli pick up the various details about the bus journey?
Ans-From the conversation between her neighbours and the regular bus passengers and also by
asking a few discreet questions herself.
7. How far was the town from her village and what was the fare?
Ans-Six mile and the fare is thirty paise.
8. What seemed a fortune to Valli?
Ans-To finds thirty paise at a time.
9. How did Valli think of taking a bus trip to and from the town?
Ans-Going by one o'clock bus in the afternoon and coming back by about two forty-five.
10. How much tíme did a bus trip from Valli's village to the town take?
Ans-forty five minutes.
11. Where did Valli stop the bus?
Ans-At the turning into the main highway.
12. What sort of a person was the conductor?
Ans-jolly sort.
13. Why, do you think, has the conductor addressed her as 'madam'?
Ans-Partly joking and partly for her independent nature like an adult.
14. Why were there fewer passengers on the bus?
Ans-Because it was the slack time of the day.
15. Why was Valli overcome with shyness?
Ans-Because everyone on the bus was looking at her.
16. Why did the conductor blow the whistle?
Ans-To starts the bus.
17. What colour was the outside of the bus?
Ans-Gleaming white with green stripes.
18. Why did Valli stand on the seat?
Ans-The canvas blind covered the lower part of the window. To have a view of the outside world over the blind she stood on her seat.
19. How were the seats inside the bus?
Ans-Soft and luxurious.
20. Who asked Valli not to stand on her seat?
Ans-An elderly man.
21. Why did the elderly man ask Valli not to stand on her seat?
Ans-He had been genuinely concerned for her safety.
22."Because I want to." Who is the speaker? What does he/she want to do?
Ans-Valli is the speaker. She wants to travel standing on her seat.
23. Why does the conductor ask Valli not to stand on her seat?
Ans-He feared that she might fall and hurt herself when the bus makes a sharp turn or hits a bump.
24."Oh sir, but this is a very grown-up madam." Who is the speaker? Who is addressed as 'sir'? Who is the-grown up madam?
Ans-The conductor is the speaker. The elderly gentleman is addressed as 'sir'. Valli is called the
grown-up madam'.
25. Who sat beside Valli? How did she find the newcomer?
Ans-An elderly woman; Valli found the newcomer repulsive.
26. Why did Valli find the old woman repulsive?
Ans-The old woman had big holes on her earlobes; ugly earrings; she was chewing betel-nut; betel-nut juice was threatening to spill over her lips.
27. Why didn't Valli want to make friends with the elderly woman?
28.Because the old woman was not sociable with her appearance and behaviour.
29."You needn't bother about me. I can take care of myself".
Who is the speaker and who is the person spoken to?
Ans-Valli is the speaker and the old lady is the person spoken to.
30. How did Valli save the money?
Ans-Thriftily, avoiding the temptation to buy peppermints, toys, balloons.
31. What was Valli's next problem after she had collected the money?
Ans-To skips out of the house without her mother's knowledge.
32. How did Valli manage to slip out from her mother?
Ans-Everyday after lunch mother would nap from one to four or so. Valli planned to use that time
for the bus journey.
33. How did Valli generally use the hours when her mother would nap?
Ans-Valli used this time for her 'excursions', looking from the doorway of her house or going out into
the village.
34. How did the trees come running towards the bus?
Ans-Trees are fixed, they cannot run, as the bus moves forward the trees seem to become
towards it.
35. Why did Valli clap her hands with glee?
Ans-Young cow, tail high in the air, ran in the middle of the road in front of the bus.
36. Why did the driver sound the horn again and again?
Ans-To drives away from the cow from the road.
37. How did the train rush past the crossing gate?
Ans-Rushed past with tremendous roar and whistle shaking the bus.
38. What did Valli see in the wider thoroughfare in the town?
Ans-Big bright-looking shops, glittering displays of clothes and other merchandise and big crowds.
39. Why did not Valli get off the bus when it stopped in the town?
Ans-Because she was going back by that same bus.
40. What did Valli say when the bus conductor asked her if something was the matter?
Ans-She replied that nothing was the matter. She felt like having a bus ride and that was all.
41. Why did Valli refuse when the conductor offered to bring her a cold drink?
Ans-She said that she did not have enough money.
42. Why did not Valli go out of the bus to have a look at the sight in the town?
Ans-She was afraid to go out of the bus alone.
43. What did Valli say when the conductor asked if her mother would not be looking for her?
Ans-Valli replied that no one would be looking for her.
44. What made Valli overcome with sadness?
Ans-The sight of the dead cow lying by the side of the road.
45. Why did she no longer want to look out of the window?
Ans-The memory of the dead cow dampened her eagerness.
46. Why was Valli not bored in the return journey?
Ans-Valli greeted everything with the same excitement she had felt the first time.
47. "Well, sir, I hope to see you again"
(i) Who is the speaker and (ii) Who is the person spoken to?
Ans-(i) Valli (ii)The bus conductor.
48. Where did Valli go from jumping down the bus?
Ans-Valli went home.
49. What was Valli's mother doing when she entered the house?
Ans-Her mother was awake and talking to one of Valli's uncles.
50."Just a chit of a girl she is". Who said this? Who was the girl?
Ans-Valli's aunt; Valli is the girl.
51. Why did Valli smile to herself?
Ans-Because she made the bus journey without the knowledge of her mother and aunt.
52."Just a chit of a girl she is". Who said this? Who was the girl?
Ans-Valli's aunt; Valli is the girl.
53. Why did Valli smile to herself?
Ans-Because she made the bus journey without the knowledge of her mother and aunt.
54. What was Valli's favourite pastime?
Ans-Standing in the front doorway of her house and watching the happenings in the street outside.
55. What was the source of unending joy for Valli? What was her strongest desire?
Ans-The bus travel between her village and the nearest town. The bus travel to and from the town with a new set of passengers was the source of joy. To ride on the bus even if just for once was her strongest desire.
56. What did Valli find out about the bus journey? How did she find out these details?
Ans-how much time the bus takes in a trip; what was the fare; when did the bus depart from and arrived at the village; what was the distance between the village and town; she found the details from the conversation between her neighbours and the people who regularly used the bus.
57. What, do you think, Valli was planning to do?
Ans-To makes a bus journey to the town.
58. Why does the conductor call Valli 'madam'?
Ans-Partly joking and party because she behaved like a grown-up lady. She demanded that she paid thirty paise as fare as the adults did.
59. Why does Valli stand up on the seat? What does she see now?
Ans-she stood up because she found her view cut off by a canvas blind covering the lower part of the window. She saw a canal, palm trees, grassland, mountains, blue sky, green fields as far as the eyes
could see.
60. What does Valli tell the elderly man when he calls her a child?
Ans-Valli told that there was nobody there who was a child. She had paid thirty paise like everyone else.
61. Why didn't Valli want to make friends with the elderly woman?
Ans-Valli found the elderly woman repulsive; she had big holes on her ear lobes wore ugly earrings and she was chewing betel-nut.
62. How did Valli save up money for her first journey? Was it easy for her?
Ans-Valli saved whatever stray coins she got, checked every temptation to buy peppermints, toys, balloons, checked her desire to ride in the merry go round at the village fair. No, it was very difficult to save the money by checking these temptations.
63. What did Valli see on her way that made her laugh?
Ans-A young cow running in the middle of the street, in front of the bus running with tail high in the air.
64. Why did not she get off the bus at the bus station?
Ans-Valli did not have any money to spend; besides she was afraid to go alone.
65. Why didn't Valli want to go to the stall and have a drink? What does this tell you about her?
Ans-Valli had no extra money to spare except the fare for the return journey. This tells about her self control and frugal nature.
66. What was Valli's deepest desire?
Ans-Valli's deepest desire was to have the bus ride even if just for once.
67. What kind of a person is Valli?
Ans-Valii is a person of independent mind; she does not think of herself a child; she does not like to take anybody's help; she behaves like a grown-up lady.
68. Why does Valli refuse to look out of the windows on her way back?
Ans-Because the memory of the dead cow made her sad as a result of which she lost all interest to look out of the window.
69. What does Valli mean when she says 'I was just agreeing with what you said about things happening without our knowledge"?
Ans-Valli meant to say that she herself had made her bus journey to and from the town without the knowledge of her mother and aunt.
70. The author describes the things that Valli sees from an eight-year old's point of view. Can you find evidence from the text for this statement?
For the final HSLC and CBSE examinations, these questions are very very important.
Questions and Answers for Madam Rides The Bus
Providing these important questions and answers for Madam Rides The Bus for your help.
1. What is the full name of Valli?
Ans-Valliammai2. What was Valli's favourite pastime?
Ans-Standing in the front doorway of her house and watching
the happening in the street outside.
3. What was the most fascinating thing for Valli?
Ans-The bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town.
4. What was an unending source of joy for Valli?
Ans-The sight of the bus filled each time with a new set of passengers.
5. Did Valli and her friends understand the meaning of the word "proud" ?"
Ans-No, they did not understand. They used it often as a slang expression.
6. How did Valli pick up the various details about the bus journey?
Ans-From the conversation between her neighbours and the regular bus passengers and also by
asking a few discreet questions herself.
7. How far was the town from her village and what was the fare?
Ans-Six mile and the fare is thirty paise.
8. What seemed a fortune to Valli?
Ans-To finds thirty paise at a time.
9. How did Valli think of taking a bus trip to and from the town?
Ans-Going by one o'clock bus in the afternoon and coming back by about two forty-five.
10. How much tíme did a bus trip from Valli's village to the town take?
Ans-forty five minutes.
11. Where did Valli stop the bus?
Ans-At the turning into the main highway.
12. What sort of a person was the conductor?
Ans-jolly sort.
13. Why, do you think, has the conductor addressed her as 'madam'?
Ans-Partly joking and partly for her independent nature like an adult.
14. Why were there fewer passengers on the bus?
Ans-Because it was the slack time of the day.
15. Why was Valli overcome with shyness?
Ans-Because everyone on the bus was looking at her.
16. Why did the conductor blow the whistle?
Ans-To starts the bus.
17. What colour was the outside of the bus?
Ans-Gleaming white with green stripes.
18. Why did Valli stand on the seat?
Ans-The canvas blind covered the lower part of the window. To have a view of the outside world over the blind she stood on her seat.
19. How were the seats inside the bus?
Ans-Soft and luxurious.
20. Who asked Valli not to stand on her seat?
Ans-An elderly man.
21. Why did the elderly man ask Valli not to stand on her seat?
Ans-He had been genuinely concerned for her safety.
22."Because I want to." Who is the speaker? What does he/she want to do?
Ans-Valli is the speaker. She wants to travel standing on her seat.
23. Why does the conductor ask Valli not to stand on her seat?
Ans-He feared that she might fall and hurt herself when the bus makes a sharp turn or hits a bump.
24."Oh sir, but this is a very grown-up madam." Who is the speaker? Who is addressed as 'sir'? Who is the-grown up madam?
Ans-The conductor is the speaker. The elderly gentleman is addressed as 'sir'. Valli is called the
grown-up madam'.
25. Who sat beside Valli? How did she find the newcomer?
Ans-An elderly woman; Valli found the newcomer repulsive.
26. Why did Valli find the old woman repulsive?
Ans-The old woman had big holes on her earlobes; ugly earrings; she was chewing betel-nut; betel-nut juice was threatening to spill over her lips.
27. Why didn't Valli want to make friends with the elderly woman?
28.Because the old woman was not sociable with her appearance and behaviour.
29."You needn't bother about me. I can take care of myself".
Who is the speaker and who is the person spoken to?
Ans-Valli is the speaker and the old lady is the person spoken to.
30. How did Valli save the money?
Ans-Thriftily, avoiding the temptation to buy peppermints, toys, balloons.
31. What was Valli's next problem after she had collected the money?
Ans-To skips out of the house without her mother's knowledge.
32. How did Valli manage to slip out from her mother?
Ans-Everyday after lunch mother would nap from one to four or so. Valli planned to use that time
for the bus journey.
33. How did Valli generally use the hours when her mother would nap?
Ans-Valli used this time for her 'excursions', looking from the doorway of her house or going out into
the village.
34. How did the trees come running towards the bus?
Ans-Trees are fixed, they cannot run, as the bus moves forward the trees seem to become
towards it.
35. Why did Valli clap her hands with glee?
Ans-Young cow, tail high in the air, ran in the middle of the road in front of the bus.
36. Why did the driver sound the horn again and again?
Ans-To drives away from the cow from the road.
37. How did the train rush past the crossing gate?
Ans-Rushed past with tremendous roar and whistle shaking the bus.
38. What did Valli see in the wider thoroughfare in the town?
Ans-Big bright-looking shops, glittering displays of clothes and other merchandise and big crowds.
39. Why did not Valli get off the bus when it stopped in the town?
Ans-Because she was going back by that same bus.
40. What did Valli say when the bus conductor asked her if something was the matter?
Ans-She replied that nothing was the matter. She felt like having a bus ride and that was all.
41. Why did Valli refuse when the conductor offered to bring her a cold drink?
Ans-She said that she did not have enough money.
42. Why did not Valli go out of the bus to have a look at the sight in the town?
Ans-She was afraid to go out of the bus alone.
43. What did Valli say when the conductor asked if her mother would not be looking for her?
Ans-Valli replied that no one would be looking for her.
44. What made Valli overcome with sadness?
Ans-The sight of the dead cow lying by the side of the road.
45. Why did she no longer want to look out of the window?
Ans-The memory of the dead cow dampened her eagerness.
46. Why was Valli not bored in the return journey?
Ans-Valli greeted everything with the same excitement she had felt the first time.
47. "Well, sir, I hope to see you again"
(i) Who is the speaker and (ii) Who is the person spoken to?
Ans-(i) Valli (ii)The bus conductor.
48. Where did Valli go from jumping down the bus?
Ans-Valli went home.
49. What was Valli's mother doing when she entered the house?
Ans-Her mother was awake and talking to one of Valli's uncles.
50."Just a chit of a girl she is". Who said this? Who was the girl?
Ans-Valli's aunt; Valli is the girl.
51. Why did Valli smile to herself?
Ans-Because she made the bus journey without the knowledge of her mother and aunt.
52."Just a chit of a girl she is". Who said this? Who was the girl?
Ans-Valli's aunt; Valli is the girl.
53. Why did Valli smile to herself?
Ans-Because she made the bus journey without the knowledge of her mother and aunt.
54. What was Valli's favourite pastime?
Ans-Standing in the front doorway of her house and watching the happenings in the street outside.
55. What was the source of unending joy for Valli? What was her strongest desire?
Ans-The bus travel between her village and the nearest town. The bus travel to and from the town with a new set of passengers was the source of joy. To ride on the bus even if just for once was her strongest desire.
56. What did Valli find out about the bus journey? How did she find out these details?
Ans-how much time the bus takes in a trip; what was the fare; when did the bus depart from and arrived at the village; what was the distance between the village and town; she found the details from the conversation between her neighbours and the people who regularly used the bus.
57. What, do you think, Valli was planning to do?
Ans-To makes a bus journey to the town.
58. Why does the conductor call Valli 'madam'?
Ans-Partly joking and party because she behaved like a grown-up lady. She demanded that she paid thirty paise as fare as the adults did.
59. Why does Valli stand up on the seat? What does she see now?
Ans-she stood up because she found her view cut off by a canvas blind covering the lower part of the window. She saw a canal, palm trees, grassland, mountains, blue sky, green fields as far as the eyes
could see.
60. What does Valli tell the elderly man when he calls her a child?
Ans-Valli told that there was nobody there who was a child. She had paid thirty paise like everyone else.
61. Why didn't Valli want to make friends with the elderly woman?
Ans-Valli found the elderly woman repulsive; she had big holes on her ear lobes wore ugly earrings and she was chewing betel-nut.
62. How did Valli save up money for her first journey? Was it easy for her?
Ans-Valli saved whatever stray coins she got, checked every temptation to buy peppermints, toys, balloons, checked her desire to ride in the merry go round at the village fair. No, it was very difficult to save the money by checking these temptations.
63. What did Valli see on her way that made her laugh?
Ans-A young cow running in the middle of the street, in front of the bus running with tail high in the air.
64. Why did not she get off the bus at the bus station?
Ans-Valli did not have any money to spend; besides she was afraid to go alone.
65. Why didn't Valli want to go to the stall and have a drink? What does this tell you about her?
Ans-Valli had no extra money to spare except the fare for the return journey. This tells about her self control and frugal nature.
66. What was Valli's deepest desire?
Ans-Valli's deepest desire was to have the bus ride even if just for once.
67. What kind of a person is Valli?
Ans-Valii is a person of independent mind; she does not think of herself a child; she does not like to take anybody's help; she behaves like a grown-up lady.
68. Why does Valli refuse to look out of the windows on her way back?
Ans-Because the memory of the dead cow made her sad as a result of which she lost all interest to look out of the window.
69. What does Valli mean when she says 'I was just agreeing with what you said about things happening without our knowledge"?
Ans-Valli meant to say that she herself had made her bus journey to and from the town without the knowledge of her mother and aunt.
70. The author describes the things that Valli sees from an eight-year old's point of view. Can you find evidence from the text for this statement?
Ans-Valli's pastimes, her wishes and desire, the things she wanted to enjoy - toys, peppermints, balloons - her likings and disliking.
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