
The Tale Of Custard The Dragon

 The Tale Of Custard The Dragon is a poem, a ballad tale, composed by Ogden Nash. The poem has been included in the syllabi of class 10 by SEBA and CBSE. Here in this article a detail explanation and some important questions and answers on the topic has been provided.

The Tale Of Custard The Dragon Class 10

The Tale Of Custard The Dragon Analysis

The poem,'The Tale Of Custard The Dragon' is a humorous story of the pets. The humour can be traced from the fact that the dog, the kitten and the mouse fled to safety at the very sight of the pirate. But once the danger is over after the death of the pirate, they boasted of themselves being braver than what they seemed to be. On the other hand, Custard who had been laughed at and humiliated proved his worth and power when it was needed.

The Tale Of Custard The Dragon As A Ballad

The Tale Of Custard The Dragon is a ballad. It describes the heroic deeds of Custard, the dragon who killed a pirate that came to rob the house of Belinda. This is a long poem of fifteen stanzas having four rhyming lines except in stanza thirteen which has six lines.

The Tale Of Custard The Dragon Summary

Stanza 1- describes the pets in Belinda's house a-kitten, a mouse, a dog, a dragon and a red wagon.

Stanza 2- gives the names of the pets and their qualities_dog was as sharp as Mustard,dragon was a coward.

Stanza 3- describes the appearance of Custard, the dragon _sharp teeth, spikes on top, fireplace, nose like a chimney, daggers on toes, mouth like a fireplace.

Stanza 4- describes the qualities of Belinda – activities of Ink and Blink as well as the qualities of the dog and how the dragon wanted a cage.

Stanza 5- describes how the dragon is laughed at and ridiculed by the other pets and the mistress of the house.

Stanza 6- continues the description given in stanza 5.

Stanza 7- gives a turn in the situation. A pirate is seen climbing in the window and the nasty sound frightens, all the inmates in the house.

Stanza 8- describes the appearance and intention of the pirate. Pistols in both the hands, bright teeth, black beard, wooden leg, all these make him a fearful person.

Stanza 9- describes how Belinda cried for help and the other pets except the dragon have fled to safe shelters.

Stanza 10- describes how powerfully the dragon attacked the pirate. Snorting like an
 engine, clashed, irons in a dungeon, clatter, clank, jingling, a robin a worm and describes the prowess of the dragon and his superiority over the pirate.
Stanza 11- describes how the pirate drank wine, fired shots with his pistol but was finally eaten by Custard.

Stanza 12- describes how Belinda, Mustard the dog, the Kitten and the mouse have shown their loving praise to Custard.

Stanza 13- describes the vain boasting of the dog, the Kitten and the mouse who claimed themselves braver than what they were. Also, this stanza bears the humility of Custard who acknowledged that everybody was braver than him.

Stanzas 14- and 15- are a repetition of stanzas 1 and 2 in spirit and meaning.

 The Tale Of Custard The Dragon  Questions And Answers 

1. Where did Belinda live and who were her pets?
Ans-Belinda lived in a little white house. Her pets were a kitten, a mouse, a dog and a dragon.

2. What was the dragon Custard like?
Ans- The dragon Custard had big sharp teeth, spikes on top, scales underneath, mouth like fireplace, nose like a chimney and daggers on toes.

3. How was the pirate?
Ans-The Pirate had pistols in both hands, bright teeth, black beard, one leg wood and his intention was bad.

4. How did Custard fight against and eat up the pirate?
Ans-Custard jumped, snorted like an engine, clashed his tail, clattered like chains in a důngeon, attacked like a robin preying on a worm and devoured him.

5. How did the pirate resist Custard?
Ans-The pirate gaped at Custard, drank some wine, fired two bullets that did not hit. But custard gobbled him every bit.

6. How did the other pets boast after the pirate was killed? What did Custard say?
Ans-The dog said he would have been twice as brave if he had not been flustered, Ink and Blink said they had been three times as brave as Custard. Custard, said that everybody was braver than him.


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