
Nature and Scope of Educational Research Assignment

Concept of Educational Research. The Nature and Scope of Educational Research assignment provide it a unique position in the field of research.

Educational Research | Nature and Scope of Educational Research
Educational Research

Concept of Educational Research

Educational research simply means research in education. The application of research procedures in the field of education for the solution of educational problems is nothing but educational research. It helps to solve various problems of human life, society, culture, and civilization in a more scientific way. Educational research helps to find out new ways and means to bring changes to human behavior in a more scientific way. Educational research is an essential means and endeavor to find out systematic ways for the growth and development of human life and society as a whole. Education is a composite discipline. The subject of education has strong roots in the fields such as philosophy, sociology, psychology, economics, political science, environmental studies, etc.

Hence, Educational research is a particular process of research that helps to solve educational problems in a scientific way and gives us opportunities to ascertain principles that have been continuously applied for the spread of education.

Nature and Scope of Educational Research provide a unique position in the field of Research.

The primary purpose of educational research is to expand the prevailing body of data by providing solutions to different problems in pedagogy while improving teaching and learning practices.

The nature and scope of educational research provide it a singular position within the field of Research can usually be discussed under two heads:

1. The branches, topics, and therefore the material it deals with

2. the bounds of its operations and applications

The fields of educational research are often classified in terms of the subsequent content areas.

1. Educational Psychology

Research in Educational Psychology has great significance for an educator. The usefulness of varied theories of learning for designing conditions that produce effective learning in class has been the central theme of researches in recent years. 

2. Philosophy of Education

Education is that the dynamic side of philosophy. A promising field of research within the philosophy of education includes the subsequent areas.

1. Need for philosophy of Education

2. Special features of Indian Philosophy

3. Indian Philosophy and Indian Education

4. Indian Philosophical thoughts

5. Teacher–learner interrelation, the teacher, the learner, and interaction

6. Some Ancient Educational institutions

7. The unique elements in Indian philosophy of education

3. Sociology of Education

The important problems of research associated with the sociology of education include the study of population explosion and changes, demographic trends, the impact of political and social pressures on an academic system, educational aims, curriculum contents, methods, and techniques in the teaching-learning process, etc.

4. Economic and Education

Studies in Economics and Education include attitude studies and achievement tests. only a few studies are made in educational finance. Some researchers have recently studied the five–year plan allocations and their utilization. 

5. Educational Administration

Most of the research in this area is more or less of a survey type. it might be worthwhile to undertake research within the areas of Staff personnel administration, educational legislation, educational planning, school plant planning, school organization, business administration, evaluation of institutions, administrative theory, and supervision. 

6. Comparative Education

This includes analyzing the tutorial organization and administrative machinery of two or more countries. Problems like education and national development in terms of the economic process, educational control and reorganization of curriculum, the role of universities, social education, then on could also be subjects of purposeful research.

7. Curriculum construction and textbooks

A school curriculum is going to be effective thus far because it is predicated on adequate knowledge of how children grow and learn and of the requirements of recent society. The research in the curriculum must be focused on the subsequent issues like testing experimentally all principles of curriculum construction, Curriculum in education which will produce better leads to morals, etc.

8. Educational measurement and test development

This includes the subsequent areas like construction and standardization of accomplishment tests. Problems concerning pupil placement, diagnosis, remedial programs, norms, psychological tests, observational techniques, rating scales, groups tests of intelligence and aptitude, personality tests, etc. 

9. Teacher education and teaching behavior

Teacher education has received notable attention from educational researchers. These studies relate to the areas of the historical development of teacher–education, curriculum and training programs co-curriculum and practical work, assessment, evaluation, and prediction of teaching. the private, economic, and socio-economic conditions of teachers have also been studied.

10. Guidance and counseling

The areas are Vocational adjustment of Indian youth, vocational choice, and Adjustment, long-term manpower needs, future needs, the study of aptitudes, socio-economic status, interest patterns, and other personality dimensions, tests of intelligence, special aptitudes like art, science, and music, special skills, and scholastic aptitudes, etc.

Limitations of Educational research

1. The complexity of the topic matter

2. Difficulties in observation

3. Interaction of observer and subjects

4. Difficulties in replication

5. Difficulties on top of things 

6. Measurement problems.

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