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School-Based Assessment |
Nishtha Module 11 Quiz | School-Based Assessment Questions Answers
The quiz question and answers for the School-based Assessment Have been provided below-
The option in red color is the answer.
1. School-Based Assessment is primarily based on the principle of:
- Encourage teaching according to the test as they involve frequent testing.
- Schools are more efficient than external bodies of examination.
- Teachers in the school know their learner's capabilities better than the external examiners.
- At all costs, students must get high grades.
2. What should an assessment be based on to be holistic and free from biases?
- External examination
- Experiential learning
- Only performance and skills
- Multiple evidences
3. While shifting the focus of continuum of assessment from teacher-led assessment to student-led assessment, there is a need to:
- more importance to teacher-designed tasks and activities.
- shift from large-scale standardized testing to school-based assessment.
- more focus on reading, writing, and numeracy.
- more focus on assessment of learning.
4. Performance-based assessment can be best achieved through:
- paper-pencil test
- portfolio
- viva-voce
- rubrics
5. Which one is the most convenient method of online assessment at the secondary stage?
- By conducting practicals.
- Group Projects
- Field visits
6. Which of the following is NOT a common approach to incorporating Transversal Competencies in the school curriculum?
- Designing and teaching Transversal Competencies as a specialized subject
- Integrating Transversal Competencies across subjects
- Integrating Transversal Competencies into extracurricular activities
- Integrating Transversal Competencies within specific subjects
7. In the continuum of assessment, which one of the following is more inclined towards students leading the assessment?
- Self-assessment
- Teacher observation
- Standardized testing
- Portfolio assessment
8. Which one of the statements best defines the process of assessment?
- Systematically gathering information about the academic changes in children.
- Conducting test examinations of the student at the end of the academic session.
- Evaluation of the changes happened in children from childhood to adolescent age.
- Examine the student over the course of their learning.
9. What is a kind of assessment task where students reflect on their own performance?
- Unit Test
- Peer assessment
- A quiz
- Self- assessment
10. Given below are four statements about the Salient features of School-Based Assessment (SBA)
i. Integrate teaching learning and assessment.
ii. load on teachers of documentation- recording, reporting.
ii. Focus on content memorization rather than competency development.
iv. Non-threatening, stress-free and enhanced participation/ interaction.
Which of the following combinations is true?
- i and ii
- ii and iv
- ii and iv
- i and iv
12. What is the main advantage of essay-type questions?
- Can diagnose the learning difficulties of students
- They can measure complex learning outcomes that cannot be measured
- with other types of questions.
- The student can guess the answer Easy to score
13. Which type of question is difficult to mark with reliability?
- Multiple-choice questions
- Unstructured essays
- Structured essays
- Short answer
14. What is a standard of performance for a defined domain termed as?
- rubrics
- blueprint
- portfolio
- achievement
15. Inclusion of the technology in the teaching-learning and assessment process helps students
- to restrict going to school regularly and allow learning in a home atmosphere from home.
- to access any video with technology and allow access them
- multiple pathways to learn from multidimensional and to assess work at any time.
- to learn from an online platform.
16. Whom are students assessing when they are engaged in peer assessment?
- Themselves
- Another student
- The principal
- The teacher
17. The primary aim of laboratory learning for students is to develop:
- Writing competence
- Communication competence
- Practical competence
- Vocational competence
18. What is the main advantage of essay-type questions?
- They can measure complex learning outcomes that cannot be measured with other types of questions.
- The student can guess the answer
- Can diagnose the learning difficulties of students
- Easy to score
19. Which one of the following is an important feature of Performance-Based Assessment?
- This can be effectively assessed through a paper-pencil test.
- This can be implemented only in the higher grades.
- This only provides clues about process and not about product.
- This is used for students' demonstration of their knowledge, skills, and strategies.
20. What is the main advantage of essay-type questions?
- They can measure complex learning outcomes that cannot be measured
- With other types of questions.
- The student can guess the answer
- Can diagnose the learning difficulties of students Easy to score
21. Which one of the following is an important feature of Performance-Based Assessment?
- This can be effectively assessed through a paper-pencil test.
- This can be implemented only in the higher grades.
- This only provides clues about process and not about product.
- This is used for students' demonstration of their knowledge, skills, and strategies.
22. Learning outcomes concerned with the abilities to conceptualize, construct, organize, integrate, relate, and evaluate ideas can be measured using
- Oral test
- Rubrics
- Multiple Choice Questions (McQs)
- Quiz
23. Which one of the following is an important feature of self-assessment?
- Students get adequate opportunities to assess their peer's work.
- It is about supplanting the role of teachers.
- Students have understanding about their own learning.
- Individuals give themselves marks and grades.
24. Which of the statements is NOT Correct in the context of Transversal Competencies?
- Teaching Transversal Competencies at the secondary stage yields maximum results.
- Modernisation and globalisation has also contributed to a renewed focus on Transversal Competencies.
- Leaning of Transversal Competencies is important for the holistic progress and learning of the child.
- Transversal Competencies are needed in multiple areas of life.
25. There is need to develop Core Transversal Competencies for Development at the Secondary Stage in the domain areas of:
- only Science
- only Mathematics
- only Science and Mathematics
- all curricular areas
26. While shifting focus of continuum of assessment from teacher led assessment to student led assessment, there is need to:
- more importance to teacher designed tasks and activities.
- shift from large scale standardized testing to school-based assessment.
- more focus on reading, writing and numeracy.
- more focus on assessment of learning.
27. Which one is NOT a parameter of Rubric?
- Scale-level
- Dimensions
- Assignment Description
- Multiple-choice questions
28. Which one of the following is NOT a tool for self-assessment?
- Class Test
- Checklist provided by teachers
- Assignment with rubric sheet
- Reflective sheet
29. Which statement is NOT Correct about Performance-based assessment that- it taps into students' higher-order thinking skills?
- using deductive/inductive reasoning to solve a problem
- evaluating the reliability of sources of information
- synthesising information to draw conclusions
- reproducing knowledge-based information
30. The primary aim of laboratory learning for students is to develop:
- Communication competence
- Writing competence
- Vocational competence
- Practical competence
31. In assessment for learning, self-assessment and peer assessment are important because this will lead to:
- Help students in active engagement.
- Increased amount of feedback
- Augment learning with self-feedback.
- Help students to increase their ability to score high marks.
32. What is a standard of performance for a defined domain termed as?
- rubrics
- portfolio
- blueprint
- achievement
33. Transversal Competencies relate to a certain set of:
- media and information literacy skills
- knowledge domainss
- skills and moral values
- knowledge, skills and attitudes
34. What should an assessment be based on to be holistic and free from biases?
- External examination
- Experiential learning
- Only performance and skills
- Multiple evidences
35. Statement I: Using case-studies method, teachers aim to develop student reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making skills.
Statement II: Caseudies give students opportunities to engage with current issues in a field, making their learning clearly relevant to real-world situations.
- Statement I is true, but Statement II is false.
- Both Statement I and Statement II are true, and Statement II is the correct explanation of statement.
- Statement I is true, but Statement II is true.
- Both Statement I and Statement II are true, but Statement II is not the correct explanation of the Statement I.
36. Inclusion of the technology in the teaching-learning and assessment process helps students
- to learn from an online platform.
- to access any video with technology and allow access them
- multiple pathways to learn from multidimensional and to assess work at any time.
- to restrict going to school regularly and allow learning in a home atmosphere from home.
37. Which one of the following rubrics will be used wherein we provide feedback on proficiency rather than assigning grades to different parameters?
- Analytical
- Holistic
- Single frame only
- Both holistic and analytical
38. In the continuum of assessment, which one of the following is more inclined towards students leading the assessment?
- Standardised testing
- Self-assessment
- Teacher observation
- Portfolio assessment
39. Which of the following is NOT a common approach of incorporating Transversal Competencies in the school curriculum?
- Integrating Transversal Competencies across subjects
- Integrating Transversal Competencies into extracurricular activities
- Integrating Transversal Competencies within specific subjects
- Designing and teaching Transversal Competencies as a specialized subject
40. The following are the abilities placed under the category of complex achievement except:
- Problem Solving
- Critical Thinking
- Creative Thinking
- Recalling and Understanding
41. What is the main advantage of essay-type questions?
- Easy to score
- The student can guess the answer
- Can diagnose the Learning difficulties of students earning outcomes that cannot be measured
- They can measure complex with other types of question
42. Which of the following is NOT a common approach of incorporating Transversal Competencies in the school curriculum?
- Integrating Transversal Competencies across subjects
- Integrating Transversal Competencies into extracurricular activities
- Integrating Transversal Competencies within specific subjects
- Designing and teaching Transversal Competencies as a specialised subject
43. School-Based Assessment is primarily based on the principle of:
- Schools are more efficient than external bodies of examination.
- At all costs, students must get high grades.
- Teachers in the school know their learner's capabilities better than external examiners.
- Encourage teaching according to the test as they involve frequent testing.
44. According to the recommendation of the National Education Policy 2020, the pattern of the Board examination will shift to:
- Content-oriented Questions.
- Competency-based Questions.
- Multiple-Choice Questions.
- Essay Type Questions only.
45. Whom are students assessing when they are engaged in peer assessment?
- Another student
- The principal
- Themselves
- The teacher
46. In the continuum of assessment, which one of the following is more inclined towards students leading the assessment?
- Standardised testing
- Teacher observation
- Self-assessment
- Portfolio assessment
47. Which one is NOT a parameter of Rubric?
- Scale-level
- Assignment Description
- Multiple-choice questions
- Dimensions
48. Which one of the following is an incorrect description of School-Based Assessment?
- It covers scholastic aspects.
- It covers only co-scholastic aspects.
- It covers all aspects.
- It covers non-scholastic aspects.
49. Assessment in education does NOT include:
- Developing learning outcomes.
- Gathering information.
- Interpreting information.
- Using information.
50. In assessment for learning, self-assessment and peer-assessment are important because this will lead to:
- Increased amount of feedback
- AUgment learning with self-feedback.
- Help students to increase their ability to score high marks.
- Help students in active engagement.
51. Performance-based assessment can be best achieved through:
- viva-voce
- portfolio
- paper-pencil test
- rubrics
52. Learning outcomes concerned with the abilities to conceptualize, construct, organize, integrate, relate, and evaluate ideas can be measured using
- Oral test
- Rubrics
- Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
- Quiz
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