
AHSEC Result 2022 | AHSEC Result Book 2022 | PDF

AHSEC Result 2022  has been declared today. In this article, you will get the results of  AHSEC. The Result Book 2022 and PDF have been provided.

AHSEC Result 2022 | AHSEC Result Book 2022 | PDF

Assam Higher Secondary Education Council Result 2022

Today, on the 28th of June 2022 Assam Higher Secondary Education Council has declared its result on its official website www.ahsec.nic.in. The results include of total 4 streams namely Arts, Science, Commerce, and Vocational.

Some Important Information for AHSEC Result 2022

1. After the declaration of Results, those candidates whose results have been shown incomplete or
withheld have to contact the Controller of Examinations to get the results declared. However,
the candidates concerned will apply formally through the Heads (s) of their institute/
Institution(s). The incomplete or withheld result will not be declared if not collected within 3
(three) years from the date of declaration of the results.
2. An eligible candidate shall be given only one chance to appear in the compartmental
Examination to be held with the regular examination for the year immediately following the years
in which the candidate failed. The subject in which the candidate is eligible for the
Compartmental Examination will be shown in the Marks Sheet.
3. Institutional Private (IP) candidates means -
a. Those candidates who appeared H.S. Final Examination from an institution not recognized
by the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council.
b. Those regular candidates who appeared H.S.Final Examination have attendance more
than or equal to 60% and less than or equal to 74%.
4. Non-Institutional Private (NIP) candidates means -
a. Those candidates who appeared as Regular or IP in the previous year's Examination and were not successful and subsequently appeared as Private candidates.
b. Those candidates who appeared after obtaining due permission from the Council as Female
Private, Teacher Private, and Defence Personnel Private Category.
5. Name (s) of the candidates securing the highest marks in different subjects are declared along with
the results of Science, Arts, and Commerce streams.
6. Results will also be available on Council’s Website - www.ahsec.nic.in and another website
which has already been published in the media.

AHSEC Resultbook 2022 

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