
Fundamental And Action Research

Fundamental research and Action research are different. In this article, it has been discussed the differences between action research and fundamental research. Action Research basically use at the school level and the Fundamental Research is an advanced level of research.

Difference between Fundamental and Action Research
Action Research

Fundamental Research and Action Research

The term fundamental has been derived from the Latin term ’fundamental, meaning ‘foundation'.Fundamental very Simply means of basic importance. In another sense, it means a basic rule or principle of a particular process. 

Thus fundamental research very simply means basic or central research. The term research, as we understand, very simply means the study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. 

In some situations, it is a process of revising the existing stock of knowledge for making it relevant for life and society as per changing demands and situations. The derivative of the term research is a researcher.

The term researcher has been originated from the former French word researcher’. A researcher very simply means a person who keeps close contact with the study of materials and sources for the establishment of facts of a particular situation, event, phenomenon, problem, etc. 

In an academic sense, research is a systematic process for the establishment of facts so as to reach the point of logical summarization of the pros and cons of a particular problem. It is a very systematic process of study for the establishment of facts and reaches the point of conclusion in a more simplified and general way. Research not only helps to establish facts and reach a new conclusion, but it also helps to generate new knowledge and formulate new theories in some specific areas and cases. In the core domain of knowledge, research has its specific place. It is an endless or never-ending search or quest for knowledge. 

In other words, research helps in the process of searching truth in a more concise and accepted way. It helps to bring the truth to light in a more systematic and scientific way. Research helps to build the foundation of knowledge in a systematic and scientific manner for the greater interest of life and living. 

Research also helps to re-evaluate, re-examine and review the established facts and generalize concepts for entertaining the reality and usability of such facts and generalized concepts, ideas, and truths for the benefit of living on a grand scale. Research demands the application of a scientific approach and ways and means for the objective establishment of reality. It is such a process that always emphasizes the objective generalization of knowledge and rational understanding of the inherent reality of a phenomenon, event, and problem, etc. 

Research needs a very careful search for the solutions to the queries that are generated in the brain of the researcher.

Basically, a research problem is divided into the form of some well-defined questions. The answers to such questions are given with the help of analysis, interpretation, and verification of information collected in the form of data by following procedures and methods. 

It is a process of establishment of truth and finding out reality in a well-defined manner. This process helps the researcher to generalize the experiences derived in the form of findings or to develop a theory (theories). Such generalization may help to understand a problem in a local setting or it may help to understand a problem in a universal setting. 

Thus, research helps to Search carefully for rational or scientific, or systematic solutions to those problems which have been puzzled or made man curious about the reality of such problems. In our day-to-day life, all of us are involved in the process of research. With the help of such comments we mean the day-to-day ways and means of solving the problems, we do face for the existence of our life. But an informal point of view, research is not an ordinary search for the solutions of some questions concerned with some basic problems, events, phenomena, etc. 

It is a very systematic process that is completed with the help of rigorous or painstaking exercises depending on data, experiences, insight, and imagination. In the process of research, the collection of data and gathering of experiences have special importance. Thus the term data and gathering of experiences have a close relationship with the process of research.

Difference between Fundamental and Action Research

  1. Basic or fundamental research is a holistic concept of research that helps to understand research in totality Whereas action research IS a special type of research that includes a minor part of the research.
  2. Basic or fundamental research includes all areas of research. But action research includes only a miniature part of research in action. The knowledge of basic or fundamental research helps in accomplishing action research. It means that for understanding action research there is the need of knowing everything in detail about basic or fundamental research.
  3. The area of basic or fundamental research is very broad. It covers all types of research areas. Whereas the area of action research is very narrow.
  4. There are many ways to conduct research that is well understood by knowing about basic or fundamental research in a detailed manner. Each of these ways is used in various professional fields, including psychology, sociology, social work, medicine, nursing, education, literature, culture, politics, history, environmental studies, etc. However, the field of action research is very narrow and this type of research is often used in the field of education for solving different problems concerning education.
  5. In basic or fundamental research diverse methods are used as per necessity whereas in action research in the field of education an interactive method of collecting information is used to explore topics of teaching, curriculum development, and student behavior in the classroom. 
  6. Basic or fundamental research helps to solve research problems in diverse fields of knowledge. But action research is very popular in the field of education because there is always room for improvement when it comes to teaching and educating others. In classroom situations, we never can apply basic or fundamental research processes.
  7. In a sense, basic or fundamental research is a time-consuming process for which for solving problems in an action of immediate necessity this type of research never can be used. In all such situations, action research works very well because the cycle offers an opportunity for continued reflection.
  8. In all fields of academic importance basic or fundamental research is used for finding out new knowledge as per requirement or validation of established knowledge for the greater benefit of humanity. But in all professional fields action research is used, the goal of which is to improve processes.
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