
Purpose of Review Of Related Literature

In this article, a brief explanation has been provided on the topic, " The purposes of the review of related literature". This is a very important part of any educational research works. The researchers have to review the related literature for their own research project.

Purpose of Review Of Related Literature
Review Of Related Literature

Purposes of the Review of Related Literature

The term purpose means the reason for which something is done or for which something exists. Purposes of the review of related literature mean the reasons for which the formal examination of the connected written works is done. The thorough study or the preliminary survey of previous studies; literature. The written works in the form of research findings published in surveys, journals, books, etc.; research articles published in Newspapers; discussions and experiences, etc. related to the problem area and problem undertaken for investigation account polish various purposes and help the researcher from different angles. The search for related materials is a time-consuming and very expensive process. Nowadays this process of collection of related research materials has become comparatively easier because of the spread and availability of internet facilities. Anyway, the specific purposes of the review of related literature may well be understood from the explanations made herewith:

‘Purposes of the Review of related literature enables the researcher to know what has already been done in a particular area of study and its analysis is a stepping stone to resume what can yet to be done (Thesis, Sarma, M.). 

 The existing stock of knowledge helps to view and review ‘ the essence of things, beings, matter, and the happenings or the phenomena of the world around the man. The secondary

sources available around man are the bases of the primary search for knowledge. Here lies the importance of the review of literature for every search or research work in social as well as physical sciences (Thesis, Sarma, M.). 

Review of related literature helps the researcher to sort out what has already been done in a particular field.’ This is important to avoid unnecessary duplication in the specific area of operation. 

A review of related literature helps the researcher to identify what can yet be done. 

Review of related literature leaves room for the researcher to focus on the research needs. 

Review of related literature 'ascertains to formulate objectives for the study. 

A review of related literature confirms the appropriate direction of the research by selecting hypotheses so that the formulated objectives could be tested.
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