The Present article is concerned with Gender Equality and Inequality in society. Here it has been explained how education works as an agent to redress inequalities of Gender. Gender inequality can be removed by developing the modern education system.
Gender Equality And Its Meaning
Gender equality is not just about economic empowerment. It is a moral imperative. It is about equity and fairness and includes many social, political and cultural dimensions. Gender equality is the key factor in self-reported well-being and happiness across the world. Gender equality refers to 'the equal right, responsibilities and opportunities of women and men and boys and girls. Equality does not mean that women and men will become the same but that women's and men's rights, responsibilities and opportunities ale. Gender equality implies that the interest, needs and priorities of both the will not depend on whether they are born male and female. Gen of both men and women and are taken into consideration recognizing diversities of different groups of people... Gender mainstreaming strategy for promoting gender equality. United Nation (office of the special advisor on gender issue).Education as an agent to redress inequalities of Gender
Education is universally
acknowledged to benefit individuals and promote national
development by bringing gender equality. It is a well-known fact Gender equality and empowered women are catalysts for
multiplying development efforts. It is also a key driver of the degree
of self-reported well-being and happiness across the world and
life satisfaction increases over time as gender equality increases
In the context of gender, women and girls continue to occupy a
secondary status in society, despite their participation in different
aspects of life. Gender concern in education is a matter of great
importance, which needs to be addressed seriously.
Education has a two-fold activities-it empowers those who
have schooling, certainly-educated women have more progressive
attitude than uneducated women, but it also brings individuals into
conformity with dominant rules and norms. The various studies,
observation conducted by the social theorists from various parts
of the world reflect commonalities in the functioning of schools
from a gender perspective. These institutions create and maintain
gender ideologies, leaving a narrow margin for the questioning
and reframing of gender beliefs and practices. The earlier chapter
also helps us to reflect on how school perpetuate gender-stereotyped
behaviour among the students through its varied structure and Content.
"Schools tend to mirror society" Therefore for school
to bring positive change to their treatment of gender, they must
take some measures for implementation. There is room for
optimism regarding gender in education, to the extent that gender
is socially constructed, it can also be socially altered. The power
of education consists of its ability to raise consciousness through
knowledge. Education is itself the instrument to bring changes.
Therefore to achieve change in social attitudes and discourse,
Schools must take a much more proactive position. A-gender the friendly school environment can only build harmonious relations
between boys and girls in a different aspect. Therefore, in the
discussion of the role of the school in redressing gender bias, the role of the teacher is indispensable. Because a gender-friendly environment
can easily be created by a teacher in any context. As such; teachers
are central to promoting gender equality in education. The promotion of gender equality is rooted in bringing change in attitudes
and behaviour. As we have mentioned earlier, education is the
instrument of bringing desirable change, teachers act as a transmitter
of these changes. Therefore, the teacher's role can be perceived as
the agent of change.
Teacher as an agent of Change and redress inequalities of Gender
Major influences on gender role socialization include the
family. Parents have an impact on their children's gender role
identity in many ways, through day-to-day interaction, by acting
as role models, by reinforcing the larger messages of the society
and by offering approval or disapproval of the chield's action and
behaviours, parents express their own values and thereby exert
much influence on how their children view the role of males and
females. The process of identity formation that begins within the home gets re-established and consolidated within the school. This
process of identity formation occurs with the child internalizing the
roles and attitudes of the significant other members of the family
The school has an unreliable subjective identification Or
internalisation. Therefore teacher acquires significance in building
the child's specific location in the world. The teachers play an important role in maintaining, modifying and reshaping the
understanding of the student's location in terms of their class-class
gender-religion, sexuality and region.
As gender issues are prevailing in the society in all areas of life
to minimize these gender issues, the first and foremost requirement
is the change in the mindsets of the younger generation of society
as they are those who can bring further change in the society with
their innovative ideas, thoughts and practices. Change can only be
brought about by education. In the educational sector, the teacher is the
foundation stone. The teacher can act only as the agent of change in
bringing gender equality. Because; pedagogical and curricula
changes cannot be realised without the teacher. The teacher is at the
forefront of the teaching-learning process. The teacher can play a very
significant role in the sensitization of gender. Gender sensitization is
the process of changing the stereotype mindset of men and women a mindset that strongly believes that men and women are 'unequal
entities' and hence have to function in different socio-economic
space. Gender sensitization tends to change the perception that
men and women have of each other. It creates a mindset in men
that no longer sees in women the stereotypical image. 1n the impression that women are a weak and unequal entity no more
clouds the minds of the common man. This can be brought only by the
teacher in its formal base, as students actual foundation takes place
during the school days. Through the behaviour, interaction with
the students, teachers try to bring change in the perception of the
children which they have. Teachers play a very important role in
the early upbringing of the child and their ideas and belief can
change the thought pattern of young students.
Thus in the process
of gender sensitisation teacher as an 'agent of change' plays a significant role in-
Changing the mindset of the younger generation of the
- Changing the ideas, belief of the students regarding their gender role.
- Changing the mindset to shape a child's gender roles.
- Changing the pedagogical and curricula to bring equality in education.
- Changing the school environment to a more gender-sensitive one.
- Changing the stereotypical perception of the students as well as the parent.
- Changing the role from 'creator of knowledge to mere transactor of knowledge.
A teacher must therefore constantly be aware of the
fact that his or her action, attitude, approach, manner will
help to shape the child's gender role. For the teacher to
bring about change in society, they should be given pre hand knowledge over the issue of gender bias. In the
process of promoting gender equality, the teacher's role is
multi-folded. By playing the varied roles in the process of
school education the teacher can bring 'changes in the
perception of the students. These roles or activities or
approaches are the means of redressing gender inequalities
in education or in school.
Role of teacher in removing the gender inequalities in the school
Teachers are central to promoting gender equality in education. Being gender-neutral, the teacher can build a gender-friendly.
classroom as well as the school environment, where gender equality
can easily be promoted and achieved. The destiny of the nation
being shaped in her classroom. So from and through the classroom
teacher can cultivate a sense of gender equality. In redressing,
gender inequalities-
The teacher can and should use inclusive and gender-neutral language in the classroom. While conductin
discussion and describing roles. Male-dominated language
should never be used in the classroom and in the school.
2. Curriculum
The teacher should always be aware of the materials
and subjects in the curriculum. The teacher should emphasize the inclusive nature of the curriculum.
3. Participation
To break down stereotypes, the teacher should monitor and
ensure that everyone is encouraged to participate in the
classroom activities. Teachers should assign the students
tasks in such a manner that equally place the students in
non-traditional situations.
A school is only a place where students acquire
academic knowledge, but a place where students become
socialized and learn to assume particular roles in society
Therefore, teachers should encourage the same positive
behaviour from girls and boys, avoiding assigning a task that
involve stereotyped gender roles.
5. Gender bias' as a topic of discussion
The teacher can redress gender bias or gender
stereotypes by discussing gender bias and gender equity with
the students, which will help to increase students' awareness
of their gender roles.
6. Recognition of differences
Teachers can play the most significant role in mitigating
the gender biases in the school by recognising the differences
not marked by status but by diversity. To facilitate the real
participation of all students in school activities, it is essential
to work with the principles of recognising differences.
Gender-sensitive pedagogy
Teachers should apply those teaching methodologies which give girls and boys equal participation to participate. The teacher must opt for innovative pedagogical approaches
which include role-plays, group discussion, case studies,
demonstration etc. which are necessarily gender-sensitive.
8. Gender-Responsive lesson planning
The quality of the teaching of the teacher largely depends
on thorough, effective planning, because planning is pre-
requisite condition for any successful activity. Lesson
planning involves the learning material to use,
methodologies, content, language, classroom interaction, etc. A teacher should develop the skill to develop gender-responsive lesson plans that take into consideration the
specific needs of both girls and boys in all the teaching
material, and other classroom activities and arrangements.
Teachers' role in eradicating the obstacle of gender bias in education can not be limited. His/her role is
multi-folded. In addressing gender inequality, along with
the earlier mentioned role, the teacher can become a practical
guide for making teaching-learning process gender
- Teachers should treat all the children in the school in an appropriate gender affirmative, sensitive and balanced way.
- The teacher should take special care to ensure that feedback about learning and behaviour is comparable for all.
- Teachers should distribute the classroom/school duties equally to boys and girls.
- The teacher should use a gender-balanced example in teaching.
- The teacher should avoid gender to group the students in the school.
- The teacher should actively integrate groups by not allowing self-segregation.
- The teacher should try to put the girls and boys in non- traditional situation.
- Teachers should avoid stereotyping jobs for students rather; they should provide equal category jobs.
- The teacher should make the same expectations for all students. The teacher should provide safe spaces for children to express themselves.
- The teacher should break down hierarchies and power network that exclude girls and women from education school.
- A teacher should give value to all student's experience and knowledge in planning, and evaluating their educational work.
- Teachers should encourage the girls to express themselves freely and confidently within and outside the school.
- The teacher should always take specific care about the gender-responsive classroom set up that responds to the specific needs of both boys and girls.
- Teachers should use multiple strategies to ensure that students have equal opportunities to both create and obtain their goals.
- A teacher should promote gender roles that support equality and healthy relation between male and female.
- Teachers should help the students to be respectful of others' choices regarding gender identity.
- The teacher should encourage female and male learners to treat one another with mutual respect and work in participation. Teachers should encourage all learners to choose from the same wide range of opportunities, in course, extracurricular activities and career paths.
- A teacher should promote healthy attitudes, values, behaviour, interaction and life skills in relation to gender the issue, so that all learners can benefit equally and reach their full potential.
On account of the discussion, we can rightly say
that teacher can play the most significant role and he can act as the key factor in bringing gender equality in
the school. The teacher bears the responsibility of shaping
the child. Therefore, by applying the principle of 'gender
equality in the academic process, teacher and
eradicate 'gender bias' in the field of education.
Teacher Training for Gender equality
The earlier discussion has helped us to know how a teacher is
important in overcoming the problem of gender inequality in
education. The educational institutions have been engaged in
perpetuating the existing combination of power through the
construction and legitimization of a skewed view of female. But the teacher can do a lot in changing this image of school by playing multi-folded roles. All teachers are born need not be true. To help
the teachers to be fit to play the roles in mitigating, gender stereotypes in school, the teachers must be trained. It is well known that the
quality of the teacher depends on the quality of the teacher training
programme. A teacher training course can definitely make the
aspiring teachers more confident, natural and effective in carrying
out their tasks in the classroom. A teacher training programme enables
the teacher to gain an understanding of the different aspects of the
education process.
Children bring to school a strong gender notion from family
and society. It is the school and teacher's challenge to alter negative
ideologies. We have come across the various measures to be
adopted by the teacher to alter such ideologies of gender. This
teacher requires training that promotes a thorough understanding of
how gender interacts with the student's attitude, belief and
expectations. Teacher training helps to modify the sexists' norms
of the teachers. This necessitates the gender training of teachers.
To promote gender equality in education, teachers are required
to be serious about the gender issue. For the teacher to bring
about a change in the society, they should be given pre-hand
knowledge over the issue. A teacher need not only gender-sensitive
curricula and textbooks but also gender equality education, which
can be provided to the teacher by the gender training programme.
It should be noted that the major obstacle facing teachers today is
an apparent lack of gender skill for instruction. This ability of the
teacher to use gender-responsive pedagogy effectively can be
strengthened if the teacher is well trained in gender-responsive
teaching skills. This also signifies the importance of gender training
for the teacher.
Importance of teacher training for gender equality
Gender teacher training is considered integral in promoting
gender equality. It helps the teacher to-
- understand the issue of gender.
- obtain pre-hand knowledge over the issue of gender.
- raise the awareness of the social issue of gender in the academic setting
- to address prevailing gender in an educational institution. acquainted with the gender-sensitive classroom or school processes or practices.
- acquainted with the gender-sensitive teaching approaches.
- gain an idea about gender-sensitive management structure,
- reform gender-sensitive textbook and curriculum, through which they transmit their ideas to students. use gender-neutral language in the school/classroom.
- understand the basic concept of gender, sex, division of labour and gender stereotyping.
- acquainted with the social construction of gender.
- distinguish between gender and sex, nature and nurture.
- realize the importance of home school and society and their influences on gender roles.
- gender analysis in curriculum material, textbook, school structure and culture.
- identify the gender issues in the classroom.
- develop a sex education programme that question gender roles and sexual stereotypes.
- explore the issue of sexual identity as well as the issue of control and consent in sexual relations.
- challenge the traditional notion of masculinity.
- understand and find out alternative ways to define one's gender identity.
- support co-operative and interactive teaching and learning.
- convey the sense of respect and confidence to all students while eliminating all aspect of violence in the school/ classroom.
Gender inequality is seen subtly existing in all areas of
life. The best means to minimize this obstacle to promote gender
awareness in the teachers. Therefore-gender training is the direct
need of society today. Gender training for teachers should be
organized as they facilitate the change to be brought about in the
syllabus and at the policy level. Moreover, gender sensitivity training
needs to be mandatory for all teacher training programmes. All
teachers should be gender sensitized especially the male teacher
must be exposed to gender sensitivity training, then only we can
imagine a gender-friendly classroom and a gender-friendly society
at large. Gender free education for all male or female is of concern
all over the world.
Role of Family and community to sort out the inequalities of Gender
The strong gender notions that children bring to school are
formed in the family and community children learn their culture's
roles for men and women and develop their gender identity
primarily at home and community. Starting from the dress codes movement to play, these
agencies are practising gendered socialization. It creates inequality
and discrimination not only in the family but also in society.
Stereotypical gender role behaviours are manifested from the early
stage of life by hearing seeing asking and guiding to do so, meaning
from the family. Thus, gender roles are social constructs and they
are propagated by the parents during childhood. In many families,
daughters are viewed as a liability and she is conditioned to believe
that she is inferior and subordinate to men, whereas, sons are idolised
and celebrated. Such type of stereotypes is harmful to the overall
development of girl children. They come to school with that
notion in mind as being male and female which reinforces gender
biases in the formal educational institution to promote gender
equality, it is essential to minimize such type of stereotypical attitudes
among the children at an early stage of life. Family can play an
important role in this aspect. Family can take an active step to counter
the development of the stereotypical gender roles-
Role of the family to remove inequalities of Gender
- Parents can undertake gender socialization to understand the need of their children.
- Parents can encourage their children to work against stereotypes.
- Parents can involve both sons and daughters together tasks and activities that traditionally have been thought of as gender specific.
- Parents can socialise their daughters in such a way that they are encouraged to voice their opinions and thoughts.
- Parents should avoid overprotecting girls and boys because, overprotection may make them feel incapable of doing certain things.
- Parents should put equal limits of boundaries for both girls and boys-not more for girls or less for boys. Parents or other family members should monitor and ensure that both boys and girls are encouraged to participate equally in all the activities of the family.
- Parents should avoid assigning such tasks in the family which involve stereotypical gender roles such as girls being passive boys to be active.
- Parents should encourage both girls and boys to play together and should avoid the notion of engaging the girls in stereotypical games-rather encourage them to play football, cricket etc with the boys. Parents should point out and discuss common biases against girls in media and culture.
- Parents should encourage the girls to choose their career and provide maximum opportunity to make decisions about their lives.
- Parents should make the same expectation from both girls and boys.
- Parents and other family member should always try to create a gender-sensitive atmosphere in the home.
- Parents should empower the girls/ daughters with skills for self-confidence, assertiveness, speaking out, decision making.
- Parents should empower boys with skills to de-link from gender oppressive attitude and practice early from the grassroots level.
Role of community to redress inequalities of Gender
Society or community is also a key factor in socializing children in certain gender roles. It has been seen that the
socialization process practised by the community is not free from
stereotyping. Many aspects of community socialization are marked
by gender biases. To promote gender equality, for
better upliftment of the children, it is necessary to minimize the
gender biases rooted in society. We know that school, through
its manifold activities can create a gender-sensitive environment.
But, a gender-responsive school is one in which the academic,
social and physical environment and its surrounding community
take into account the specific needs of both girls and boys. This
implies that the teachers, parents. community leaders and members
are and should be aware of and practice gender equality. To
practice and develop an awareness of gender equality, the
community can play the following roles-
- The community should provide equal space, right and opportunity for both girls and boys.
- The community should form equal norms, rules for both males and females.
- The community can establish some centres to provide counselling services for the victim of stereotypical behaviour.
- The community can target the government and religious leaders to secure political will and commitment to end gender inequalities.
- The community can encourage the girls to voice their ideas, opinions in a broader context.
- The community can empower women economically by providing several initiatives like microfinance, etc.
- The various community programme can challenge gender norms like life skill training, community meeting etc.
- The community can organize a community awareness programme by holding community discussion on gender equality.
- The community can participate in the school-related activities which promote awareness of gender equality.
- The community can appoint intermediaries to transmit the ideas, opinions and recommendation to ensure gender equality.
- The community activities such as theatre, discussion, door-to-door visit. can also promote women's right.
- The community should encourage the same positive behaviour from both girls and boys.
- The community should involve some community members in the gender-responsive school operations. The community should avoid the national patriarchy and the notion that females are subjected to control by males.
Thus, the community, through its various interventions can
address gender norms and attitudes, of the people in the society.
By adopting gender-sensitive socialization, a community can play an
important role in overcoming gender inequalities. Because it is
the society which through its various organization perpetuate
gendered norms and belief. A gender-responsive society is a base for promoting equity and equality in all the aspect of human's
Role of textbook in redressing gender inequalities in Education
We know that books are part of the social milieu and
they attempt to mirror social realities. These books are an important repository of knowledge. It is an inseparable organ of education, it is the key teaching and learning material that
teachers and students rely upon. They operate as the
vehicle for the socialization of the children. But too often the message
of the textbook is that women and girls are weak, passive and
submissive. They are mostly depicted in domestic, caregiving and
supportive roles. On the other hand, men are portrayed as
powerful, assertive and intelligent as well as leaders in society. Thus, textbooks implicitly communicate traditional and limited
gender roles, as a result, such teaching and learning materials
reinforce gender stereotypes.
Role of mass media in redressing gender inequality
Gender equality is the result of the absence of discrimination on
the basis of a person's sex in opportunities and the allocation of
resources or benefits or in access to services or another aspect of
life. The proceeding discussion helps us to understand how family-
school and community try to create a gender-sensitive environment in the family, school and community respectively to
promote gender equality along with these agents, there are some
other agents which contribute to the promotion of gender equality.
One significant agent of redressing gender inequalities is Mass
We know that the modern era is characterized by the age of
information, which is power and also a source of knowledge.
Information plays a crucial role in human life. The advancement of
scientific knowledge has brought about a revolution in information. The means which reach each people for
communication and information is the mass media. It operates on
a larger scale reaching and involving virtually everyone in the society
to a greater degree. Mass media, in the form of newspaper,
radio, television have been influencing the social, cultural,
economic, spiritual, political, and religious aspects of society as
well as personal level thinking, feeling and acting. Media provides people with the day to day information and create the need
for change in contemporary society. It should be mentioned
here that mass media have both positive and negative role in Society.
Media is considered as the fourth pillar of democracy, It
is the mirror of the society and it reflects of happenings of the
society. It's a role in a democracy to bring mass awareness on
political, social and economic issues. By gradually shaping public
opinion on personal beliefs and even people s self-perception, the media influences the process of socialization and shapes ideology
and thinking. One of the powerful vehicles of moulding of belief
attitude, values and lifestyles in today's world is the 'media'
Therefore, media can play a significant role in sensitizing society
about gender issues. It gives the people the latest information and creates the need
for change in contemporary society as it is influencing the social,
cultural, religious and other related aspects of the society. Thereby,
it also paves the way for greater courage of human right issue. In society, the mass media legitimizes the status quo or innovations
of the existing social equilibrium. The media has to shoulder
responsibility for the social uplift of society. Nowadays media
influence has increased to such an extent that an individual finds it
difficult to maintain an identity and self-understanding without the media's reference point. Media can effectively shape public
opinion, influences, personal belief and it can also alter people's
self-perception. Therefore, it can be said that mass media can
play important role in overcoming the issue of gender inequality.
Today media become highly sensitive to gender issues.
The role of mass
media in removing gender stereotyping can be pointed out as the
following -
- Media can promote a balanced gender representation in and through the news (print as well as electronic).
- Media can play a great role in gender sensitization by providing the women reporters with the opportunity to cover both female and male-oriented news rather than assigning them to female-oriented news.
- The media should not always represent women in all the advertisement or serials through the television as in traditional role of a wife or a mother.
- Media should give high priority to the subject of portraying Women as equals as men in society, which can act as the tool in removing gender disparity.
- The media should portray women as an independent character, as modern, liberated women rather than as consumers.
- To challenge gender stereotyping, media should put emphasis on economic, social, educational participation and the contribution made by women rather than representing them as inferior, subservient, unimportant.
- The various public service advertising posters, television the programme, talk shows, women can be empowered and can be empowered to ensuring their rights.
- Media can create public awareness an the rights and privileges of women by highlighting the constitutional and legal rights.
- Media should represent the relationship between women and men in a gender-sensitive way.
- The cultural values communicated by the media should not encourage people to believe men and superior, and women are passive and sex objects.
- The media can depict the profile of women in the general principle of freedom of will and independence in economic and social aspects rather than depicting them in the general principle of her exclusion from the economic, professional and political life.
- The normative statement (a man/women should.) produced by the media should be gender-balanced, so that it does not affect children's perceptional images.
- The media coverage of women should be increased so that Women get more opportunities to present their opinion.
Role of NGO In Redressing Gender Inequalities
Gender equality, which provides the concept that people, both men and women are free to develop their personal
abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes
rigid gender roles and prejudices is the direct need of the society
We have gone through how the agents of socialization-family
school and community perpetuate gender stereotypes and limit the
roles of boys and girls by their gender. The ongoing discussion has
helped us to perceive how gender biases can be eradicated from
the family-school and society at large. Different factors are
contributing to the removal of the social issue of gender
equality. In ensuring the fairness of treatment for women and men, the
role played by the NGO's cannot be underemphasised. Most of
the NGO's of the world have been established with some collective
aim in view, firmly based on the principle of equality, equity, peace
etc. They are more likely to create a sense of awareness of
people towards some significant social issues. The NGO (Non-
governmental organization) needs a healthy relationship with the
public to meet their goals. NGOs use a framework that includes
orientation and level of operation. An NG0's orientation refers to
the type of activities it takes on. This activity might include human
rights, environmental or developmental work. An NGO's
operational level indicates the scale at which an organisation
works-such as local, regional, international and national.
NGO's have an important role in the developmental
processes. Gender inequality is a social issue. To minimize the issue, the role of the NGO's is significant.
- The NGO's can organize and hold a public campaign to create the sense of awareness towards the gender issue in the sOcieties.
- The NG0's can encourage the participation of both boys and girls in various activities and programme.
- By involving the girls in the planning and decision making process of the programme, NGO's can alter the self- perception of the girls.
- NGO's can provide tools and training in gender awareness, gender analysis and gender planning.
- They can act as the linkage between government, the private sector, civil society and other stakeholders to ensure gender balanced situation.
- The NGO's can provide a micro-financial scheme for empowering the women economically, socially and individually.
- By involving the general public and community in its varied programmes. NGO can reshape the ideals and values of men towards gender roles.
- By supporting cultural activities street play, drama, women's creativity and freedom of expression can be encouraged by the NGO's.
- NGOs can recommend concrete policy action against any type of women violence at local, regional, national and international level.
- NG0's can provide training on the issues of human right, gender relation and various social and economic concern.
B.Ed Final Year Questions 2019 For the Paper Gender Issues and Concerns
In B.Ed Final Examination Questions are asked from the paper Gender issues And Concerns. For the B.Ed students and teacher trainees the topic "Education as an agent to redress inequalities of gender". A final Year Exam. the question is provided below for your basic ideas for the preparation of the particular subjects.
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