Political Science of class 11 questions and answers of the lesson The Constitution of India. Frequently asked question answers in exams from the subject Political science. Previous year questions of Political Science in Assam of class 11.
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Constitution of India |
Important Question Answers of Political Science Of Class 11
1. A Constitution is the basic identity of the people. (Write True or False) HS-2019
Answer: True
2. When was the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly of undivided India held? HS-2019
Answer: On 9 December
3. Who was the President of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution of India? HS-2018,2012,2016
Answer:- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
4. Name a source of the Constitution of India. HS-2018
(or) Write down two main sources of the Constitution of India. HS-2011
Answer: (a) The Government of India Act
(b) The British system of governance.
5. Name two functions of a Constitution. HS-2019
(or) What is a function of the Constitution? HS-2012
Answer: (a) Specification of decision-making power
(b) Limitations on the powers of the government.
6. Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly of India? HS-2017
Answer:-Dr. Rajendra Prasad
7. Which Article of the Constitution of India is called the 'Union of States'? HS-2016
Answer: Section
8. Name an ideal mentioned in the Preamble of the Constitution of India. HS-2017
(or) Name one of the justices mentioned in the Preamble to the Constitution. HS-2013
Answer: Social justice
9. Who drafted the Constitution of India? HS-2012
Answer: The Constituent Assembly.
10. Does India have dual citizenship? HS-2015
Answer: No, it is not
11. The Constitution of India is dynamic. (Correct or Incorrect) HS-2015
Answer: Correct
12. What is the Constitution? HS-2014
Answer: A constitution is a set of rules that determine the power of government, the rights of the ruled, and the relationship between the ruler and the ruled (cf. Strong).
13. What is an introduction? HS-2011
Answer: A Preamble is a declaration of the ideals, aims, and objectives of a Constitution by which the aims and objectives of the country are expressed.
Previous Years Questions of class 11 of Political Science
14. What has the Constitution of India adopted from England and the United States? HS-2012
Answer: The Constitution of India inherits the Fundamental Rights of Parliamentary Government from the Constitution of England and the Constitution of the United States.
15. How many Chapters, Articles, and Schedules are there in the Constitution of India? HS-2012
Answer: There are 22 Chapters, 395 Articles, and 12 Schedules.
16. Name two members of the Constituent Assembly. HS-2013
Answer:-(a) K.S. M.Sc. Munshi
(b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
17. Write down two characteristics of the Constitution. HS-2014
Answer: (a) Longest Constitution: The Constitution of India is very long. It is probably the longest constitution in the world. It consists of 22 chapters, 395 articles, and 12 schedules.
(b) Written Constitution:- The Constitution of India is a written Constitution. A Constituent Assembly was formed to draft the Constitution. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
18. Write down two limitations of the Constitution of India. HS-2016
Answer: (a) The Constitution of India gives more prominence to the Centre, which can make the Center arbitrary.
(b) The Constitution of India guarantees fundamental rights to citizens but these rights can be revoked at any time.
19. Write down two functions of the Constitution. HS-2017
Answer: (a) Provides harmony and assurance:- A Constitution is needed to provide harmony and assurance in a country like India where people of different nature, classes, religions, languages, and cultures live.
(b) Clarifies the powers of decision makers:-The Constitution clarifies the type of government to be formed. It defines the powers, scope of work, and functions of various organs or institutions of government.
21. How long did it take to prepare the Constitution of India?
Answer: 2 years, 11 months, 18 days
22. Discuss the characteristics of the Constitution. HS-2014
Answer: (a) Longest Constitution: The Constitution of India is very long. It is probably the longest constitution in the world. It consists of 22 chapters, 395 articles, and 12 schedules.
(b) Written Constitution:- The Constitution of India is a written Constitution. A Constituent Assembly was formed to draft the Constitution. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Rajendra Prasad. To draft the Constitution. B.R. A Drafting Committee was formed under the leadership of Ambedkar.
(c) Partially flexible and partially rigid Constitution:-The Constitution of India is neither flexible nor rigid. It is a wonderful combination of a flexible constitution and a rigid constitution. Various articles of the Constitution can be amended in three ways.
(d) Primacy of the Constitution: The Constitution is the source of all national powers and civil rights. It is the state's best law. The Supreme Court of India is the guardian of the Constitution. No person in the country can do anything against the Constitution.
(e) Parliamentary Constitution:-In India, the Head of State is called the President, although there is no Presidential Government, there is only a Parliamentary Government. In a parliamentary system of government, there is a distinction between the Head of State and the Head of Government.
23. Write down two main aspects of Jawaharlal Nehru's Statement of Objectives. HS-2018
Answer: The policy of Jawaharlal Nehru's Objective Resolution is stated below:
(a) To establish India as an independent sovereign republic and to formulate a Constitution for its future governance.
(b) Protection shall be given to minorities, underdeveloped and tribal peoples, and underdeveloped and other backward classes.
(c) Sovereign Independent India, its constituent States, and organs of Government shall derive power and authority from the people.
(d) The country shall contribute fully and voluntarily to world peace and the welfare of the people.
Frequently Asked Questions of Political Science from the Constitution of India
24. Write a note on the Preamble to the Constitution. HS-2011 marks-4
Answer: A written constitution contains a preamble but the preamble is not part of the constitution; It cannot be proved through the courts. In other words, no action can be taken against the government even if the ideals mentioned in the preamble are not implemented in practice. It, therefore, seems absurd.
However, such assumptions cannot be assumed to have a reasonable basis. When a part of the Constitution sometimes fails to give a clear or acceptable decision on a matter, the preamble is referred to. The Preamble has helped the Judges of the Supreme and High Courts of India to explain the real purpose of the Constitution. There are examples of courts ruling on the basis of the goals and ideals set out in the preamble. Therefore, the Preamble has served as an essential document for judges to administer justice.
The flaw in the preamble enshrined in the Constitution of our country is that it is not triable. In other words, the ideals contained in the Preamble cannot be enforced through the courts.
25. Write down the four sources of the Constitution of India.
Answer: The four sources of the Constitution of India are-
(a) Government of India Acts:-Among the laws of colonial India, the Government of India Act, 1935 has been incorporated into our Constitution.
(b) British Constitution:-The drafters of the Constitution introduced a parliamentary system of government at the Center and States of India in imitation of the British parliamentary system of government. The parliamentary system of governance in India is direct influence by the British Constitution.
(c) Influence of other Constitutions:-The Constitution of India is influenced by the Constitutions of other countries besides the British Constitution. It is reflected in the constitutions of the United States, Canada, France, and Ireland.
(d) Independence Movement:-The Independence Movement had a significant influence on the Constitution of India. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's "Purposeful Resolution" was adopted as the basis for drafting the Constitution of India.
26. State the non-federal features of the Constitution of India.
Answer: The non-federal features of the Constitution of India are discussed below:
(a) Primacy of the Constitution:-In the United States, the Constitution is called the fundamental law of the country but the Parliament of India can amend all parts of the Constitution except the 'basic structure' This can be called a non-federal feature of the Indian Constitution.
(b) Single citizenship: The United States has a system of dual citizenship. The Constitution of India does not grant dual citizenship to the citizens of the country. There is no state citizenship in India.
(c) Unequal Representation in the Upper House: The States have equal representation in the Second House of the Union Legislative Assembly of the United States. However, there is no equal representation in the Upper House of the Indian Legislative Assembly.
(d) Appointment of Governor: According to the Constitution, the Head of State is elected by the people of that State. However, that policy does not apply in India.
Questions And Answers from the lesson The Constitution of India
1. On whose advice was the Constituent Assembly formed?
Answer: Manobendran Nath Roy
2. 2. Why was the Constitution of India implemented on 26 January 1950?
The Indian National Congress demanded 'Full Swaraj' in India on 26 January Therefore, the Constitution of India came into force on 26 January
3. 3. 3. What is the function of the Constitution in society?
Answer: The first and foremost function of the Constitution is to guarantee harmony among all the people of society. Thus, the Constitution ensures the future course of a country.
4. How was the Constitution of India drafted?
Answer: The Constitution was drafted by electing the members of the Constituent Assembly.
5. 5. Mention two sources of the Constitution of India.
Answer: (a) The Government of India Act,
(b) The British Constitution
6. 6. Name two features of the Constitution of India.
Answer: (a) The longest constitution
(b) Written Constitution
(c) Primacy of the Constitution
7. 7. State two limitations on the powers of the government.
Answer: (a) Fundamental rights
(b) Idolization of power
8. 8. What does the basic identity of the people mean?
Answer: The Preamble to the Constitution
9. 9. Write down two reasons why a constitution is successful.
10. 10. Mention two aspects of Objective Resolution.
Answer: (a) To establish India as an independent sovereign republic and to formulate a Constitution for its future governance.
(b) Protection shall be given to minorities, underdeveloped and tribal peoples, and underdeveloped and other backward classes.
11. 11. Name two members of the Constitution Drafting Committee.
Answer: K.M. Munshi and Syed Mohammad Sadullah
12. What are the two committees of the Constituent Assembly?
Answer: (a) Steering Committee
(b) Advisory Committee (Committee on the order of Business)
13. Is the Constitution of India a living document?
Answer: Yes
14. 14. Write down two principles of goal-setting proposals.
Answer: Social justice and economic justice
15. 15. When was the Constitution of India adopted? When does it take effect?
The Constitution of India was adopted on 26 November and entered into force on 26 January
16. 16. 'The Constitution of India is a borrowed Constitution'– comment.
Class 11 Political Science Question answers
A. Give Answers :
1. 1. Which actions are not covered by the Constitution?
(a) Right to the security of citizens
(b) Powers of various departments under the Government
(c) Talented people come to power
(d) Right to freedom of expression
Answer: (c) Talented people come to power
2. 2. Which of the following arguments determines the authority of the Constitution more than that of Parliament?
(a) The Constitution was drafted before the formation of Parliament.
(b) Constitution makers are more famous leaders than MPs.
(c) The Constitution determines the composition and powers of Parliament.
(d) Parliament cannot amend the Constitution.
Answer: (c) The Constitution determines the composition and powers of Parliament.
3. 3. 3. Are the following statements about the Constitution true or false?
(a) Constitution A written document on the power to form the government.
Answer: False
(b) A Constitution is necessary only for a democratic state.
Answer: False
(c) The Constitution is only a legal document, it has no ideals and importance.
Answer: False
(d) The Constitution innovates citizens.
Answer: True
4. The Argue whether the following decisions are true or false in the case of the Constitution of India:
(a) The Constituent Assembly does not represent the citizens of India as they are elected by all the citizens.
Answer: False
(b) At the time of drafting the Constitution, there was no complicated problem as there was consensus among the leaders on the basic outline of the Constitution.
Answer: True
(c) The Constitution of India has no originality as it is based on the Constitutions of other countries.
Answer: False
(d) Under which scheme was the Constituent Assembly formed?
Answer: The Constituent Assembly was formed through the Cabinet Mission Scheme.
5. Give two examples of the following decisions on the basis of the Constitution of India:
(a) The Constitution of India is respected by the citizens of India as it was drafted by wise leaders.
(b) There are restrictions on the exchange of powers in the manner in which the Constitution distributes them.
(c) The Constitution is the focus of the hopes and aspirations of the people of the country.
(d) Who was elected as the Provisional President of the Constituent Assembly?
Answer:- Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha
6. When were the Constituent Assembly elections held?
Answer: In
7. Who was elected as the Provisional President of the Constituent Assembly?
Answer:- Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha
8. 8. When did the first session of the Constituent Assembly begin?
Answer: On 9 December
9. 9. Who was the permanent President of the Constituent Assembly?
Answer:- Dr. Rajendra Prasad
10. 10. Give a reason why we need a Constitution.
Answer: The Constitution usually enshrines certain rights of citizens. These rights are inviolable because they are in writing.
11. 11. Does a Constitution reflect the basic identity of the people? (Write yes or no)
Answer: Yes
12. The Constitution is the supreme law of the country which all citizens are obliged to obey. (Write yes or no)
Answer: Yes
Choose the correct answers :
1. 1. Which of the following provisions of the Constitution of India was passed without debate?
(a) Universal adult suffrage
(b) Fundamental Rights
(c) Guiding Principles of State Management
(d) Parliamentary democracy
Answer: Parliamentary democracy
2. 2. On what basis were the elections to the Constituent Assembly held?
(a) Universal suffrage
(b) Equal voting rights
(c) On a communal basis
(d) Through nominations
Answer: Equal suffrage
3. 3. 3. Who was the first Governor-General of independent India?
(a) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Chakravarti Rajagopalachari
(c) Lord Mountbatten
(d) Dr. B.Sc. R.S. Ambedkar
Answer: Lord Mountbatten
4. Initially, the Constituent Assembly was not a sovereign body but later it became a sovereign body.
(a) 15 July 1946. (b) 15 August
(c) 26 January 1950. (d) 9 December
Answer: 26 January
Give answer (Give answer)
1. 1. What does the Constitution mean?
Answer: A constitution is a set of rules that determine the power of government, the rights of the ruled, and the relationship between the ruler and the ruled (cf. Strong).
2. 2. Does the Constitution limit the powers of the government?
Answer: It does
3. 3. 3. Mention one feature of the Indian Constitution taken from the British Constitution.
Answer: Electoral system
4. Who drafted the Constitution of India?
Answer: Dr. B.R. The draft committee is headed by Dr. Ambedkar.
5. 5. Who presented the target-setting proposal in the Constituent Assembly?
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru
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