
Universalization of Elementary Education

 What is the Universalization of elementary education? What are its problems? Put some suggestions. If you looking for a reply to these questions then here are the answers to these questions. Know what are the main problems of the universalization of elementary education in India.

Universalization of Elementary Education in India
Universalization of primary education

Universalization of elementary education

       Universalization of primary education means providing education to every child of a country. Primary education is the basic need of life and its development for the children. Education is a birthright of each and every child in our country which must be ensured by the state or the central government. Primary education is the minimum education for an individual which helps in the removal of the darkness of illiteracy and ignorance from his or her life at every moment. It makes man capable of reading and writing and knowing the environment where he lives. It enables him to make proper adjustments and progressive development with society. This education can identify the native potentialities of individual development.

       Universal primary education is can help in the effective use of the human and natural resources of a country. Because universal primary education develops the potent quality of all the individual and these individuals learn the art of the use of material or natural resources for the development of men.

       Again universal primary education is the foundation of economic development. Because illiterate adults appear to be a big burden to society. The socioeconomic and cultural conditions of people are also conditioned with universal primary education.

       Hence Universal primary education is the process and scheme of educating each and every child in the country.

Problems of Universalization of primary education in India

       There are a number of problems observed in the field of universalization of primary education in our country. The problems can be enlisted in the following ways:-

1. Overpopulation:- Overpopulation or rapid increase of population in primary level is one of the major problems of primary education in India. 

2. Lack of exercise of compulsion:- Primary education should not only free but also compulsory. But such type of practice is seen. 

3. Poetry:- Poverty of mass people is another important and notable problem of primary education in India. Parents like to engage their children in work. 

4. Agriculture base economy:- Our economy is agriculture-based. Hence parents seek helps from their children in the paddy fields.

5. Prejudices:- In our villages, we have prejudices against educated women. It hampers the total primary education of India. 

6. Narrow objectives:- The objectives of primary education is not clear. Still, we have education only for examination. 

7. Dull curriculum:- The curriculum prepared for primary education is not attractive. 

8. Lack of trained teachers:- Our teachers don't have any specialized training in teaching. 

9. Lack of use of the proper method of teaching:- Our teachers still use only the traditional method of teaching.

10. Lack of use of teaching aids:- Teaching aids are rarely used at the primary level. Hence children never enjoy it. 

11. Poor administration:- Administration system in education is surely faulty. 

12. Wastage and stagnation:- Finally still now we have a certain percentage of wastage and stagnation. 

       Thus we can conclude that there are a number of problems in primary education in India.

Suggestions for the Universalization of Primary education in India

        To remove the problems of universal primary education we must take proper initiatives. The suggestions regarding this may be like the following:-

1. Reform in administration:- Administrative system in primary education should be reformed. A strong decision should be taken in this regard. 

2. Adequate finance:- The financial condition of primary education should be very strong. Because all kinds of adequate facilities should be provided for universal primary education. 

3. Attractive curriculum:- The curriculum of primary education should be very attractive. It should attack the children naturally. The objective of curriculum and primary education should be clear. 

4. Training for teachers:- There should be training provided for teachers at the primary level. It means that teachers should be transferring child's education.

5. Reform in the examination:- The examination system should be continuous support and comprehensive. It should evaluate the real qualities of children. 

6. Surely free education:- Primary education should surely free for boys and girls. The children should get books, dress, and other necessary things freely. 

7. Provision of incentives:- There should be providing incentives both to students and parents if the children regularly attend the classes. 

8. Attractive building:- The school building at the primary level should very attractive and well arranged. 

9. Use of teaching aids:- The teaching aids should be widely used in teaching children. 

10. Development of awareness of girl education:- There should be awareness among parents for the education of girl child. 

       In these ways, a number of steps can be taken for the solution of the problems of universal primary education.

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