
National System Of Education, NEP 1986

 What is a national system of education? Make an overview of the National Policy of education 1986 in this context. If you have been looking for the answer to this question then this article is very important for you. In this article, you will be able answers to all these questions.

NEP 1986 In The Context Of National System Of Education
The national system of education

This article is very helpful for the teachers and the teacher trainees.

The National System of education 

           The national system of education means that system Of education that prevails all over India and gives importance to all levels of education and aspiration of the country. India is a large country having 28 states and union territories. Different part of the country has got different culture, language, and socio-economical status. Therefore to bring a uniform standard of developing a national system of education is very important in India. Though different educationalists tried to introduce the national system of education long before independence, they failed to do so. For example, Gandhian basic education was a strong effort to introduce a national system of education considering the socioeconomic condition of India. 

           After independence, several commissions have appointed the development of education. But no commission could bring a static and well-organized system of education. Therefore overcome the deficiency of the education system a commission was appointed by the govt of India in July 1964. The major aim behind the appointment of the commission was to advise the government on the national system of education. D. S. Kothari, chairman of the university grants commission was the chairman of the commission. The commission submitted its report on 29th June 1966.

           After the independence, a new era came to India. There were certain new requisites in India. There is an adaptation of secular democracy, education of literacy, rapid development of industries, the establishment of socialistic society, etc. But all these requisites could be fulfilled only through education. Hence a national system of education was urgently needed just after the independence. So the commission of 1964-66 provided importance on all levels of education. 

          The major aim of a National system of education is to bring national development. On the other hand, the term national development is very wide and comprehensive. It implies the overall growth of national resources and manpower. Balanced and overall development in economics, social, political, religious, and cultural fields are the symbol of national development. 

          From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the maternal system of education is a uniform educational system in all parts of a country. The aim is to bring uniform development to all parts of the country. Primary education, Secondary, Vocational Education, Technical Education, literacy program, cultural and moral education have turned into proper order through the National system of education in India.

National System of education and the National Policy of education 1986

         The national policy of education 1986 is a very important event and documents in Indian education. There arranged a country-wide debate before the formation of the NEP 1986. The national policy of education was approved by the parliament in May 1986. The New policy of education has successfully introduced a national system of education in India. 

NEP 1986 in context of National System of education

The significant aspect of the National Education policy 1986 in the context of the National System of education.

The aspects of NEP which led to the national system of education are as follows:-

1. National system of education:- The NEP has prepared a national system of education. Thus it has provided a common educational structure. It has also given a national curriculum framework. 

2. Navodaya Schools:- The NEP has given us Navodaya Vidyalaya.Thus we have got a common system of education at the school level in India. It is the ideal common system of education. 

3. Application of constitutional Principles:- A national system of education applies constitutional principles in education. The NEP 1986 derives its inspiration from the ideals and values of democracy, secularism, and socialism. 

4. Right to Education:- The NEP 1986 has given full opportunity to all students to get education according to their qualities. 

5. Education do international understanding:- Education for international understanding is the common feature of a national system of education. It is seen in the programs of NPE 1986.

6. Promotion of language:- In the NPE 1986 the decision zip taken for a link language. Moreover, the program was launched to increase the translation of books from one language to another. 

7. Universal character of higher education:- The NEP 1986 promoted the concept of the universal character of higher education. It was decided that I'm higher education, in general, and technical steps will be taken to facilitate inter-regional mobility.

8. Pooling of resources:- In NPE 1986 the decision was taken to establish network arrangements between different institutions in the country to pool or utilize the resources. 

9. Priorities to educational reform:- In the education policy of 1986 priorities were given on the reformation of the educational system for the rebuilding of the nation. 

10. Open and distance education:- Open and distance education system for higher education has given equal opportunity to all. It is the great contribution of the educational policy 1986.

11. Strengthening of National Institutions:- In NPE 1986 it is proposed to strengthen national institutions like the UGC, NCERT, All India council of technical education, etc. 

12. Meaningful partnership:- In NEP 1986 direction was given that the center and states will make their partnership in the field of education meaningful. 

           From the above discussion, it can be said that the NEP 1986 is very honorable regarding the National system of education. Even though there is certain criticism against the NEP. These are ignored Neighborhood school systems, silent on the existing public school, basic schools, financial aspects not worked out, etc. However, these are all criticism only. We can realize the value of NEP regarding the establishment of a National system of education practically from our present education system.

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