
Inclusive Education and its importance

 What do you mean by Inclusive Education? Explain its importance in the present-day context. 

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Inclusive Education and its importance in the present-day context
Inclusive education

Inclusive Education

Inclusive education is a new concept in the field of education. It is a system of education in which all kinds of children can learn together. I'm the 86th amendment of the constitution of India ensures that right to education to every child. Inclusive Education is the birth of this commandment. Inclusive education is based on the way principle that school should accommodate all children regardless of their physical, intellectual, emotional, linguistic, and other conditions. It is believed that one category of children can learn from other. 

Different views of different came have laid the importance of inclusive education in a different way. According to NCF Review (2005), inclusive education means all learners among people with or without disabilities being able to learn together in ordinary Pre school provisions.

Inclusive education has given importance to the educations of everyone in the world. The basic idea of inclusive education is that schools should meet the educational needs of all children irrespective of their different physical and mental abilities or inabilities. Inclusive education may be provided in two forms. One is regular inclusion or partial inclusion. The other is full inclusion. In partial inclusion students with disabilities are taught with non disable children from time to time. In full inclusion, students with special needs are always educated along with the children with special needs. 

Thus we can say that inclusive education does, ensures the education of able and disabled children in the same educational environment.

Importance of Inclusive education in the present-day context

Inclusive education is a prime concern matter of welfare country. The importance of inclusive education can be explained in the following ways-

1. Educate students with special needs:- Inclusive education educates children with special needs. The system of education emphasizes special education. 

2. Benefitted all students:- Inclusive education system provides importance to all categories of students. Hence it's benefitted to all students. 

3. Develop a sense of tolerance:- The different categories of students learn together in inclusive education. Hence it develops tolerance among students. 

4. Students can learn from each other:- In inclusive education general children with special needs talent learn together. Hence they can learn from each other. 

5. Respect to all children:- Respect to all children is the nature of inclusion education. Therefore it can motivate and educate all children. 

6. Develop partnership:- Inclusive education system develops partnership among the students with special needs and nonspecial needs. Moreover, it develops partnerships among their parents. 

7. Essential to develop human resource:- To develop man resource in a real sense inclusive education is very important in present-day situation. 

8. Inclusive curriculum develops creativity:- Inclusive curriculum always gives importance to the identification of creativity or talent of students. 

9. Inclusive education ensures welfare:- Inclusive education is education for all. Hence the education can ensure the welfare of the nation. 

10. Inclusive education is refractive:- Inclusive education reform the problems of students with disability. Hence it is reformative.

Thus we can say that inclusive education is very important in all the countries in the world to form the qualities of all the children.

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