A teacher can choose examples and illustrations for the teaching of subjects like language, mathematics, Social studies, science, geography, health education, etc. from daily life. When the learning is connected to his life, a student is impelled to pay attention, participate in what is going on, and get involved.
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Objectives of Teaching |
Aims and Objectives are based on
The Needs of the earner and the Society.The Nature of the subject matter, or the educational system.
The Practicality, that they should be helpful to the students.
The Feasibility that they are possible to achieve.
The Appropriateness that it is suitable for the maturity level of the learner.
Difference between Aims and Objectives
- Tell us why a subject is taught.
- A general intention.
- Show the direction to go.
- Last for a long time, for life.
- Affect classroom indirectly,
- Not clear, difficult to define.
- An ideal, cannot be fully achieved.
- Have unlimited scope.
- Responsibility of the teacher.
- O Changes brought by aims.
........Cannot be tested easily
- Why a topic is taught.
- A particular intention
- A milestone in that direction.
- Change from time to time.
- Affect the classroom directly.
- Definite, fixed, and clear.
- Achievable within a short time.
- Are limited in scope
- Responsibility of the school.
............Can be tested within a short time.
Classification of Teaching Objectives
Cognitive Objectives: Knowledge for Head
They deal with knowledge., understanding, memory, recall, and reason.
- Knowledge: of facts, terms, dates, events, persons, trends, sequences, classification, information, categories, principles, opinion, judgments.
- Comprehension: understanding the meaning, identity, explanations, formulation, classifications, comparisons, controls.
- Application: applying the knowledge to general principles.
- Analysis: of the relationships.
- Synthesis: putting together various parts into a whole.
- Evaluation: able to judge.
Affective Objectives: Values for Heart
They deal with the attitudes, values, appreciation, and interests
- Receiving: becoming aware of various sources of information.
- Responding: reaction to the stimulus in a satisfactory manner.
- Valuing: internalizing and commitment to values.
- Organizing: concepts of values become a system.
- Characterization: respond to values and change one's life.
Psycho-Motor Objectives: Skills for Hands
The decal with body coordination, refinement, and speed.
- Imitation: learning by repetition and impulse.
- Manipulation: selects certain actions by following directions.
- Precision: constant repetition gives better control and exactness.
- Articulation: learning to act in sequence, harmony, unison, and rhythm.
- Naturalization: perfect habituation, doing things automatically.
Aims of teaching English
The teaching of English Prose:
1. To enable the students to speak English correctly and fluently.
- Knowledge of words and their sounds and meanings.
- Use of appropriate words, phrases, and idioms.
- Sentences, their structures, and grammar.
- Phonological structures, pronunciation drills.
- Articulation, pitch, intonation, stress, juncture, and rhythm.
- Ability to organize ideas and thoughts in their logical sequence.
- Opportunities to hear spoken English through audio-visual aids.
2. To listen and understand spoken English with ease.
- Knowledge of English speech, tones, and phonic structures.
- Knowledge of grammatical patterns and structure.
- Knowledge of syntactic groupings, stresS, intonation, pitch, range, and pauses.
- Ability to understand the meanings of words, phrases, idioms, and sentences in their contexts.
- Ability to understand the general trend and specific details of what is said.
- Ability to understand the speaker's facial movements, gestures, attitudes, and intentions.
3. To help the students to read English with comprehension at normal
- To recognize the script and spelling rules.
- Knowledge of words, phrase, idioms, and their contexts.
- Knowledge of sentence patterns and grammatical structure
- Use of pause, stress, and intonation (in loud reading).
- Use of a dictionary.
- Recognize the punctuation marks.
- Follow the sequence of ideas and facts.
- Understand the mood and intention of the author.
- Interpret events, actions, ideas, feelings, and views.
- Learn the skill of loud and silent readings and recitation.
- Ability to skim, scan, and summarıze.
- Intensive and extensive reading.
4. To enable the students to write English neatly and correctly.
- Knowledge of writing the letters of alphabets, organize them into meaningful
- words with phrases and sentences.
- Spelling and handwriting drills.
- Knowledge of punctuation marks.
- Use of appropriate words, phrases, and idioms.
- Knowledge of sentence patterns, variety of sentence and grammar
- Ability to organize thoughts and ideas and Write them in logical order into sentences and paragraphs.
- Writing composition, letter writing, prècis writing, etc.
5. To Develop Interest In English
- Read storybooks, newspapers, and magazines.
- Listen to English news radio and television.
- Listen and take part in speeches, discussions, debates, and plays.
- Make use of a dictionary, Thesaurus, and reference books.
- Read and remember lines from poems, quotations, and speeches.
- Speak English outside the classrooms when there are chances.
- Write reports, letters, poems, and stories in English.
The teaching of English Poetry
- To enjoy simple poems in English.
- To derive aesthetic pleasure.
- To appreciate the beauty, the rhyme, rhythm, emotions, and feelings expressed by the poet.
- To develop the imagination.
Objectives of teaching English
1. Knowledge:
- of letters of the alphabet, their phonetic sounds, words, and meanings according to context.
- of sentence structures, grammar, and punctuation marks.
- of syntax, stress, intonation, spelling conventions, and rules. (Syntax: - A set of rules for grammatical arrangements of words).
2. Attitudes (Values):
- To communicate accurately and correctly with respect.
- To listen and understand other's points of view.
- To become well organized. precise and logical in thinking, writing, and speaking.
3. Skills:
- Recognizing letters of the alphabet, organize them into meaningful Word phrases, idioms, and sentences.
- of pronunciation with articulation. stress, pauses, and intonation.
- of loud and silent reading.
- of handwriting in a legible orderly way.
4. Abilities:
- To communicate one's ideas and thoughts clearly and accurately.
- 1ouse appropriate words, phrases, idioms, and sentences in speech and writing.
- To follow the sequence of facts and ideas from one's reading and listening.
- To skim, scan and summarize.
- To interpret the moods and feelings of the author and the characters.
- To organize thoughts and ideas in logical order in speech and writing.
5. Appreciation:
- Appreciate the simple, fascinating, and dynamic use of language.
- Appreciate the imaginative and creative use of phrases and idioms.
- Derive pleasure from reading and writing.
- Appreciate the beauty, rhyme, and rhythm, especially in poetry.
6. Interest:
- Develop interest in various means of communication.
- Seek a career in public speaking, debating, and dramatics.
Aims of teaching social studies
- Social Studies includes the study of History, Geography, Civics, Politics, Economics, and Environmental Studies.
- To help the students to understand the world in which they live, its origin it's the past and present environment.
- To help the students to take a keen interest and learn from the ways people lived in the past and events that took place in their socio-economical and geographical situation.
- To help the students to appreciate their rich heritage.
- To help them to acquire the right attitudes, knowledge, understanding, and competence needed for adjusting to their environment.
- To develop insights into human relationships.
- To be aware of their individual and social problems.
- To promote values and ideals of humanism, secularism, socialism, democracy, equality, justice, and peace.
- To help the children to develop democratic thinking.
- To foster a broader national and international outlook and understanding.
- To develop the 3 R's: (Rights, Responsibilities, and Relationships) and foster qualities such as patriotism, love of truth, right conscience, self-reliance, initiative, spontaneity, and tolerance.
Objectives of Teaching Social Science
- Recall of facts, terms, concepts, principles.
- Understanding of facts, terms concepts.
- Be able to classify, discriminate, compare and contrast, analyze, give reasons for, interpret
- data.
- Learn to use the knowledge of the past and relevant situations to solve the daily problems of life.
- Ability to suggest better methods of solving a particular problem.
- Ability to predict the probable results in a given situation.
- Ability to select the most appropriate way of solving the problem.
- Drawing of maps, tables, charts, diagrams, graphs, etc.
- Reading of maps, locating places.
- Interpretation of data.
.Attitudes (Values):
- Learn to respect the views, opinions, and problems of others.
- Display sympathy, tolerance, control of emotions, and social awareness.
- Judge issues and people on their merits and objectivity, without prejudices, become responsible and c0-operative.
- Develop a sense of obedience to the law.
- Develop a sense of patriotism and respect for the National Flag, the National Anthem, and the Constitution of one's own country and of others.
- Develop faith in democratic values.
Aims of teaching science
At the Primary Level
- To arouse and nurture interest in the natural, physical, social, and bi1ological environment.
- To Introduce and cultivate good habits, personal cleanliness, hygiene sanitation for a healthy life.
- They expose students to basic laws and principles of science.
- To cultivate the habit of observation and exploration.
- To create an awareness of the immediate environment, the need for protecting and preserving it.
- To familiarize children with life processes, health, nutrition, and human diseases.
- To enable children to apply basic scientific laws and principles to solve problems of daily life.
At the Higher Level
- To be able to give a scientific explanation of natural events, phenomena, and data.
- To make the students understand the nature and impact of science and technology upon our lives.
- To develop their capacity for critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making.
- To enable the students to imbibe scientific methods and attitudes in life.
- To inspire students with the life stories of scientists. their discoveries, inventions, and contrıbutions to humankind,
- To introduce students to different branches of science to be able to choose a career and later specialızation.
- To develop an interest in scientific hobbies and literature to spend their leisure time usefully.
Objectives of teaching science
1. Knowledge of:
- Facts, principles, concepts, relationships, and natural phenomena.
- Plant and animal kingdoms, their origin, evolution, and growth.
- Human body systems, functions, and general health rules.
2. Attitudes (Values):
- Open-mindedness believes that truth never changes but ideas of what is true may change as one gains a better understanding of that truth, accept no conclusion as final and ultimate.
- Critically observe and accurately draw conclusions on facts.
- Respect for other's points of view, readiness to change one's opinion on new and convincing evidence.
- The objective does not believe in superstitions and false propaganda.
- Curious to know the 'what' and 'why' and how' of things.
- Respects the relationships and interdependence of nature.
3. Skills of:
- Conducting experiments, handling, and arrangement of apparatus and equipment.
- Preserving chemicals, specimens, and equipment.
- Drawing sketches, diagrams, biological specimens.
- Problem-solving in daily life by using science.
- objectives of teaching science
- Knowledge of:
- Facts, principles, concepts, relationships, and natural phenomena.
- Plant and animal kingdoms, their origin, evolution, and growth.
- Human body systems, functions, and general health rules.
4. Abilities to:
- Sense a problem and analyze it
- Locate correct information from books, magazines, and other materials.
- Discuss, enquire, argue and ask probing questions.
- Organize science exhibitions and take part in them.
5. Training in Scientific Method and Reflective Thinking:
- Learn the scientific method of sensing a problem, defining it, collecting evidence and data, organize and interpret the data, formulate a hypothesis, test its validity and accuracy and come to a conclusion.
- Apply this method to life situations and problems.
6. Interests:
- In reading scientific literature.
- In science hobbies
- In activities such as science club and science exhibition
- In nature and its wonders.
7. Habits:
- Development of habits such as truthfulness, honesty, correct judgment, self-confidence, and self-reliance.
8. Appreciation:
- The progress made by science, its contribution to and benefits to humanity.
- Of nature and natural phenomenon.
- Of the adventurous and explorative spirit of Scientists
9. Provide Work for Leisure:
- Teach the student to make simple useful articles like soap, ink, jelly. jams at useful instruments for home use.
- Recreational activities like gardening, collection of plants, keeping pets, and other hobbies.
10. Training for Better Living
- Taking personal care of self, improve one's surroundings, preserve the natural environment and make life better for self and others.
Aims of teaching mathematics
- To teach the students the mathematical knowledge and skills needed for everyday life.
- To make mathematics functional and purposeful in practical life.
- To teach mental discipline, understanding, and clarity in thinking and reasoning.
- To develop the powers of observation, analysis, and making decisions.
- To develop the habit of hard work, regularity, concentration, self-reliance, patience, accuracy, and efficiency in life.
- To make the students understand and appreciate the contribution of mathematics in the development of cultures and civilizations,
- To make the students appreciate the role of mathematics in fine arts architecture, weather, trade, astronomy, physics, chemistry, and other branches of science and technology.
- To learn the meaning of signs and symbols.
- To prepare students for higher education and vocational courses.
- To learn the economic, purposeful, creative, and constructive way of living.
Objectives of teaching mathematics
1. Knowledge:
- Of the mathematical language, terms, symbols, definitions, and formulae.
- The knowledge and understanding of concepts of numbers, units of measurements, sizes, shapes, distances, directions. principles, processes, and relationships.
- The inter-relationship between various branches of mathematics.
2. Attitudes (Values):
- Personal qualities like regularity, honesty, certainty, neatness, truthfulness, and self-confidence.
- Becoming systematic, precise, accurate, logical, objective, hard-working, and self-reliant in thinking and behavior.
- Originality and creativity.
3. Skills:
- Of counting, deducting, adding, dividing, multiplying, weighing, measuring. and budgeting.
- Interpreting mathematical signs and symbols.
- Developing speed, neatness, accuracy, brevity, and precision in mathematical calculations.
- Skills of estimating, checking, verifying, and performing calculations orally and mentally
- Thinking correctly, drawing conclusions, and generalızing.
- Use of mathematical tools and apparatus.
- Drawing geometrical figures, reading and interpreting mathematical charts, graphs, tables, and statistics.
4. Application:
- Ability to solve mathematical problems independently.
- Learn to make use of mathematical concepts in solving problems in daily life.
- Ability to think and express precisely and systematically by making use of mathematical language.
- Apply mathematical knowledge to learn other sciences and vocational courses.
5. Appreciation & Interest:
- To appreciate the contribution of mathematics in the development of culture and civilization.
- To appreciate the role of mathematics in everyday life.
- To appreciate the aesthetic role of mathematics in symmetry, arrangement, and order.
- To appreciate the value of accuracy and precision in expressions.
- To develop an interest in mathematical projects and works.
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