
Economic Geography of India MCQs

Do you know about the economic geography of India? Well, here an explanation of economic geography has been provided for your understanding. For your competitive examination purposes, some MCQs have also been provided.

Analysis of Economics Geography Of India

Branches of geography

  1. Natural Resources
  2. Distribution of Natural Resources.
  3. Agriculture of India-Vegetation-Types
  4. Major Industries in India
  5. Transportation Sector.
  6. Market Geography
  7. Tourism sector

Economic Geography-Part of Human Geography

In geography includes the Distribution of Resources, Consumption, and Exchange and the relationship between them

George Chisholm is understood as the father of recent geography.

C.F Jones and GG DARKENWALD were other notable ones.

There are 3 sorts of Economic occupation

1. Primary occupation
2. Secondary Occupation
3. Tertiary Occupation
4. Quaternary Occupation

Sectors of Industry In Economic Geography

Although there are many different jobs or occupations, they will all be classified into 4 categories:


Working with or the extraction of natural resources e.g. Farming, mining or forestry.


Making things either by manufacturing or construction e.g Nissan Car manufacturing.


This type of industry provides services. These include commercial services (Shops), Professional (Solicitors), Social (School teacher), (entertainment restaurants), (Personal (Hairdressers).


This is a replacement sector and is linked to (ICT and research development Genetics Researcher).


These resources are found in the environment and are developed without the intervention of human beings. Common samples of natural resources include sunlight air, soil, water,  stone, animals,  plants, and fossil fuels.


These resources are found in the environment and are developed without the intervention of humans beings. Common samples of natural resources include water, air, sunlight, plants soil, stone, animals, and fossil fuels.

Based on the supply Natural Resources are of two types:


Resources that are available in infinite quantity and may be used repeatedly are called renewable resources. Example: Forest, wind, water, etc.


Resources that are limited in abundance thanks to their non-renewable nature and whose availability may run call at the longer-term are called non-renewable resources. Examples include fossil fuels, minerals, etc.

Air: Clean air is vital for all animals, plants, and humans to survive on this planet.

Water: 70% of the world is roofed in water and only2 you look after that's freshwater. Initiative to teach and regulate the utilization of water should be taken.

Soil: Soil consists of varied particles and nutrients. It helps plants grow

Iron: it's made up of silica and is employed to create strong weapons, transportation, and buildings

Forests: because the population increases, the demand for housing and construction projects also increase

Distribution of Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources

Renewable resource

  1. It is often renewed because it is out there in infinite quantity
  2. Sustainable in nature
  3. Low cost and environment-friendly
  4. Replenish quickly

Non-renewable resource

  1. Once completely consumed, it can't be renewed thanks to limited stock
  2. Exhaustible in nature
  3. High cost and fewer environment-friendly
  4. Replenish slowly or don't replenish naturally at all.

Analysis of Biotic and Abiotic Resources In India


  1. Plants
  2. Animals
  3. Fungi
  4. Bacteria


  1. Climate
  2. Altitude
  3. Humidity
  4. Precipitation
  5. Type of soil
  6. Light penetration
  7. Water depth
  8. Wind
  9. Oxygen content
  10. Turbidity
  11. Land
On the thought of their distribution resources are often ubiquitous and localized.
Resources that are found everywhere a touch just like the air we breathe, are ubiquitous.
But those which are found in certain places are localized Resources, like ore and copper.
The distribution of natural resources depends upon the number of physical factors like climate terrain, and altitude. The distribution of resources is unequal because these factors differ from such tons over the earth.

Human Made Resources In Geography of India 

Sometimes, natural substances become resources only their original form has been changed. Ore was not a resource until human beings learned to extract iron from it. people use natural resources to form buildings, bridges, roads, machinery, and vehicles, which are mentioned as human-made resources. Technology is additionally a human-made resource.

Human Resources

People can make the sole use of nature to make more resources once they have the knowledge, skill, and thus the technology to undertake so. that's why citizenry is a special resource. People are human resources. Health and Education help in making people a valuable resource. Improving the standard of people's skills so that they're ready to create more resources is understood as human resource development.

Conserving Resources In India

Using resources and giving them time to urge renewed is understood as resource conservation. Balancing the necessity to use resources and also conserve them for the end of the day is understood as sustainable development.

Sustainable Development In India

Carefully utilizing resources so that besides meeting the wants of this, also takes care of future generations.

There are some ways of conserving resources

A person can contribute by reducing consumption, recycling, and reusing thing(3Rs).

International organization of Conservation of Resources

IUCN: Conserving biodiversity is the main issue of the mission of IUCN

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is the world's oldest and largest global environmental organization. Founded on 5 October 1948. (The Union's headquarters:-Gland, near Geneva, in Switzerland.)

Dr. Bruno Oberle is the Director-General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in July 2020.

World Wildlife Fund: The World Wide Fund for Nature could also be a world non-governmental organization.

Founded in 1961 that works within the world of wilderness preservation and the reduction of men impacts on the environment. Headquarters: Gland, Switzerland. Founded: 29 April 1961, Morges, Switzerland 

President Emeritus: Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Founders: Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, More

Subsidiaries: WWF-India, WWF Hong Kong, International Gorilla Conservation Programme.

Minerals In Economic Geography of India

Minerals could even be a

  1. Solid
  2. Non-living(Inorganic)
  3. materials
  4. Found in the earth crust
  5. Naturally occurring
  6. Definite chemical
  7. composition
  8. Definite Crystalline structure.
Minerals could even be a consistent, naturally occurring substance with definable internal structure(Chemical composition).
  1. The mineral is usually found in ores.
  2. The accumulation of any minerals mixed with other elements is understood as ore.


  1. Metallic
  2. Non-metallic
  3. Energy Minerals


Ferrous: ore, Manganese, Nickel, cobalt, etc.

Non-Ferrous: Copper, lead, tin, bauxite etc. Gold, silver platinum, etc. are other precious metals.

Non-Metallic: Coal, Mica, salt, potash, Sulphur,

Mining: Extraction of minerals under the lowest is understood as mining.

Open caste Mining: Mining used for removing the minerals from shallow depth near the surface of the earth.

Shaft Mining: Mining are taken from great depth.

Drilling: Minerals that are extracted by boring deep wells are taken out by


Quarrying: Digging out or breaking rocks.

Stages involved in Mining:

PROSPECTING-Survey and appearance for resource

EXPLORATION-Actual research and deciding methods

DEVELOPMENT-Infrastructure establishment

EXPLOITATION-Commercial extraction of minerals

ENERGY MINERALS: Coal, petroleum, gas

Extraction of Minerals

Mining: Open caste mining and Shaft Mining


Metals are solid at temperature. But Non-metals minerals are present in solids, liquids, and gases. The density of metals is high whereas for non Metals is low.


IRON: High-grade iron is found in Jharkhand, Orissa, Chattisgarh, M.P Goa, Maharashtra, etc.

BAUXITE: Produced in Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, M.P Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu.

MICA: Mainly occur in Jharkhand, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh.

COPPER: it's mainly produced in Rajasthan, MP Jharkhand, Karnataka, Andra


Manganese: Maharashtra, M.P, Chattisgarh, Orissa, Karnataka, Andra Pradesh.

Limestone:  J Jharkhand, Bihar, Orissa, Chattisgarh, M.P, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Gujrat.

GOLD: Kolar mines in Karnataka, among the deepest mines within the world(Making8

mining expensive)

SALT: Obtained from sea, lakes, and rocks. India is one of the leading producers of salt. (Rajasthan-Chamber lake)

Natural Gas Distribution in India

Consists primarily of methane and Propane, butane, pentane, and hexane also are present.

Found in Kassin, Assam, Gulf of Khambhat, Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu, Barmer in Rajasthan, etc in India.

OPEC-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

12 member of oil supply cartel.

Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia |Asian country|Asian nation"> Saudi Arabia |Asian country|Asian nation"> Saudi Arabia |Asian country|Asian nation"> Saudi Arabia |Asian country|Asian nation"> Saudi Arabia |Asian country|Asian nation"> Saudi Arabia |Asian country|Asian nation"> Saudi Arabia |Asian country|Asian nation"> Saudi Arabia , Venezuela, and later joined by Qatar, Indonesia, UAE, Libya, Algeria, Nigeria, Gabon and Angola.

This group bargains with international Oil Companies so that margin of profit is becoming to be high.

They control production and provide [for better profit margin) of petroleum to stay below international demand.

It is only recently that Crude oil prices have crashed due to the shale boom in the US the foremost important importer of oil and gas Consists primarily of methane a Propane, butane, pentane, and hexane also are present.

Found in KG basin, Gulf of Khambhat, Assam, Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu, Barmer in Rajasthan, etc in India.

OPEC:- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

12 member of oil supply cartel.

Iran, Venezuela, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and later joined by Qatar, Indonesia, UAE, Nigeria, Gabon Libya, Algeria, and Angola.

This group bargains with international Oil Companies so that margin of profit is becoming to be high.

They control production and provide [for better profit margin] of petroleum to stay it below international demand.

Analysis of Economics Geography Of India

Distribution of Natural Resources in Assam

  1. Assam may be a major producer of petroleum and gas in India.
  2. It was the second place within the world (after Titusville within the United States) where petroleum was discovered.
  3. Asia's first successful mechanically drilled oiler was drilled in Makum (Assam) way back in 1867.
  4. The second oldest oiler within the world still produces petroleum . one of the most important public sector oil companies, Oil India Ltd. has its plant and headquarters at Duliajan.
  5. Assam has four oil refineries like Guwahati, Digboi, Numaligarh, and Bongaigaon with a complete capacity of seven MMTPA (Million Metric Tonnes per annum).
  6. Bongaigaon Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (BRPL) is that the only S&P CNX 500 conglomerate with a corporate office in Assam.

Natural Gas In Assam

  1. Total reserve=23000 million.
  2. Available in Nagarkotiya, Moran, Upper Assam Area.
  3. Namrup Fertilizer Plant and Namrup gas Thermal Power Project is the most project using natural Gas in Assam.
  4. Assam Gas cracker Project in Dibrugarh District.

Coal Distribution in Assam

  1. Assam is the 4th largest reserve in coal in the WORLD.
  2. Major Coalfields in Assam are Margherita, Nazira, Lankadamn, Makum,
  3. Jaipur, Ledo, Namdum, etc.
  4. Total Reserve in Assam=295.2 million MT.
  5. Assam constituted 0.49% of total coal production.


  1. Limestone mines situated in Garampani and Koliajan in Karbi Anglong district and NC Hills.
  2. Bokajan Cement factory is predicated on the Limestone reserve in Koliajan.

MCQs and Question Answers on Indian Economic Geography

1. Who is the Father of modern economic geography? 

Ans: George Chisholm

2. Primary form of economic activity is also known as? 

Ans: Extraction Activity

3. The people associated with the primary form of economic activities are often referred to as? Ans: Red collar workforce

4. Which sector of the economy is often termed the production sector?

Ans: Secondary Sector (The economic process of transformation and value addition to the primary product is known as the economic activity of the secondary sector)

5. The workers engaged in the economic process of secondary activities are popularly known as?

Ans: Blue-collar worker

6. Which sector of the economy is known as the tertiary sector? 

Ans: Service sector

7. The people or workers engaged in this sector is known as?

Ans: White-collar worker.

Tertiary sector examples: Retail, Computer and IT services, Hotel and travel tourism-related services, Restaurant, and cafe services, Rail, bus, aviation, and sea transport, Communication- mobile, radio, etc, Banking and financial services, Insurance-related activities, Packaged drink, beverages and snakes, Postal and courier services.

8. Technological advancement and intellectual exercises are the two most important aspects of which sector?
Ans: Quaternary Sector (sometimes referred to as knowledge sector)

9. The person engaged in the quinary sector is known as?

Ans: Gold collar professionals the highest form of economic activity final decisions are taken
Improvement of present value or ideas, decision making from collected data, a new explanation of the traditional subjects are the same characteristic features of the quinary sector.

10. In the North-eastern region slash and burn agriculture is known as? 

Ans: Jhumming

Shifting Cultivation is known by different names in different areas.

Pamlou in Manipur
Dipa in Bastar district of Chhattishgarh, and in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Milpa in Mexico and Central America
Conuco in Venezuela
Roca in Brazil
Masole in Central Africa
Ladang in Indonesia
Ray in Vietnam
Bewar or Dahiya in Madhya Pradesh
Podu or Penda in Andhra Pradesh
Pama Dabi or Koman or Bringa in Odisha Kuruwa in Jharkhand
Kumari in the Western Ghats
Valre or Waltre in South-eastern Rajasthan
Khil in the Himalayan belt.

11. What are the different farming systems practiced in India?

Ans: Primitive Subsistence Farming, Intensive Subsistence Farming, Commercial Farming

12. What is the most important plantation crop grown in Assam? 

Ans: Tea

(Plantation is also a type of commercial farming. In this type of farming, a single crop is grown on a large area)

13. What are the main three cropping seasons in India?

Ans: Rabi, Kharif and Zaid

14. Which Indian crops are also known as Monsoon crops? 

Ans: Kharif Crops

June-July: September-October
Example: Paddy, Maize, Jowar, Bajra, Tur (arhar), Moong, Urad, Cotton, Jute, Groundnut
and Soyabean.

15. What is the sowing period of rabi crops? 

Ans: October to December

Harvested in summer from April to June. Examples: Wheat, Barley, Peas, Gram, and Mustard.

16. What are the main three crops of paddy are grown in a year in states like Assam, West Bengal, and Odisha?

Ans: Aus(Abu), Aman(Sali) and Boro.

17. What Watermelons are? 

Ans: Zaid crops (cucumbers, Muskmelon).

In between the rabi and the Kharif seasons, there is a short season during the summer months are known as the Zaid season.

18. Which country is the second-largest producer of rice in the world after

Ans: India (contributes 21.6 % of rice production)

19. Who is the father of the Green Revolution? 

Ans: Dr Norman Borlaug.

20. Who is the Indian father of the Green Revolution? 

Ans: M.S. Swaminathan.

21. What is the second most important cereal crop in India after rice?

Ans: Wheat

22. What are the two important wheat-growing zones in India?

Ans: The Ganga-Satluj plains in the northwest

The black soil region of the Deccan Major wheat-producing states is Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, And parts of Madhya Pradesh.

23. About what % of the total cropped area in the country is under wheat cultivation? 

Ans: 14%

24. Which is the third most important food crop in India with respect to area and production?
Ans: Jowar

25. Which state alone produces more than half of the total Jowar production of India? 

Ans: Maharashtra

26. Which type of soil is good to grow Bajra?

Ans: Sandy Soils and Shallow Black Soil

27. Maize grows well in? 

Ans: Old Alluvial Soil

28. India is the....producer of sugarcane only after Brazil.

Ans: second largest

29. Which state is the largest producer of groundnuts in India? 

Ans: Gujrat

30. Which variety of coffee is mostly produced in India? 

Ans: Arabica.

The Arabica variety initially brought from Yemen. Initially, its cultivation was introduced on the Baba Budan Hils and even today its cultivation is confined to the Nilgiri in Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu.

31. India produces about what percent of the world's vegetables? 

Ans: 13%

32. Rearing of silkworms for the production of silk fiber is known as?

Ans: Sericulture

33. Which type of soil is best suited for the cultivation of cotton in India?

Ans: Black soil

Cotton Kharif crop and requires 6 to 8 months to mature. Major cotton-producing states are- Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh.

34. Jute is known as the? 

Ans: Golden Fibre

35. Bhoodan-Gramdan movement was initiated by? 

Ans: Vinoba Bhave.

Also known as the Blood-less Revolution

36. What are the two types of metallic minerals?

Ans: Ferrgus and Non-ferrous.

All those minerals which have iron content are ferrous such as iron ore itself and those which do not have iron content are non-ferrous such as copper, bauxite, etc.

37. What are the two main types of iron ore found in India?

Ans: Haematite and Magnetite.

38. Which state in India is the leading producer of Manganese? 

Ans: Odisha

39. Bauxite is the ore of? 

Ans: Aluminium.

40. In which one of the following states are the major oil fields located?

(a) Assam
(b) Bihar
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Tamil Nadu

Ans: Assam

41. At which one of the following places was the first atomic power station started?

(a) Kalpakkam
(b) Narora
(c) Rana Pratap Sagar
(d) Tarapur

Ans:- Tarapur

42. Which one of the following minerals is known as a brown diamond?

(a) Iron
(b) Lignite
(c) Manganese
(d) Mica

Ans: Lignite

43. Which one of the following is a non-renewable source of energy?

(a) Hydel
(b) Solar
(c) Thermal
(d) Wind power

Ans: Thermal.

44. Atomic Energy Commission was established in? 

Ans: 1948

45. The Gas Authority of India Limited was set up in? 

Ans: 1984.

46, The most important Gondwana coal fields of India are located in?

Ans: Damodar Valley.

47. Which one of the following is a leguminous crop?

(a) Pulses
(b) Millets
(c) Jawar
(d) Sesamum

Ans: Pulses.

48. Which one of the following is announced by the government in support of a crop?

(a) Maximum support price
(b) Minimum support price(MSP)
(c) Moderate support price
(d) Influential support price

49. Which one of the following describes a system of agriculture where a single
the crop is grown in a large area?

(a) Shifting Agriculture
(b) Plantation Agriculture
(c) Horticulture
(d) Intensive Agriculture

50. Which one of the following is a rabi crop?

(a) Rice
(b) Millets
(c) Gram
(d) Cotton

51. Bokaro Steel plant was set up in 1964 at Bokaro with?

Ans: Russian collaboration

52. The Rourkela Steel plant was set up in 1959 in the Sundargarh district of Odisha in collaboration with?. 

Ans: Germany

53. Where is the Bhilai steel plant located? 

Ans: Chhattisgarh

The Bhilai Steel Plant was established with Russian collaboration in Chhattisgarh
and started production in 1959

54. Durgapur steel plant is located in? 

Ans: West Bengal

Durgapur Steel Plant in West Bengal was set up in collaboration with the government of the United Kingdom and started production in 1962.

55. Which is the first port-based steel plant in India?

Ans: The Vizag Steel Plant, in Vishakhapatnam, started operating in 1992.

56. The first modern cotton mill was established in Mumbai.

Ans: 1854

57. Which is not a factor of industrial location?

(a) Market
(b) Capital
(c) Population Density
(d) Power

The location of industries is influenced by several factors like access to raw materials, power, market, capital, transport, and labor, etc.

58. The earliest Iron and Steel Company to be established in India.

(c) Visvesvaraiya Iron and Steel Works
(d) Mysore Iron and Steel Works

59. The first modern cotton mill was established in Mumbai because

(a) Mumbai is a port
(b) It is located near the cotton-growing area
(c) Mumbai was the financial center
(d) All of the above

60. Which one of the following is the second-largest producer of sugar in India?

(a) Maharashtra
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Punjab
(d) Tamil Nadu

61. The nucleus of the Hugli Industrial Region is

(a) Kolkata-Haora
(b) Kolkata-Medinipur
(c) Kolkata-Rishra
(d) Kolkata-Konnagar

62. The nucleus of Gujarat Industrial Region lies between?

Ans: Ahmedabad and Vadodara

63. Shipbuilding industry was started at Vishakhapatnam in? 

Ans: 1941

64. On which river and between which two places does the National Water Way No. 1 lie?

(a) The Brahmaputra, Sadiya-Dhubri
(b) The Ganga, Haldia-Allahabad
(c) West Coast Canal, Kottapuram to Kollam

65. In which of the following year, the first radio program was broadcast in India?

(a) 1911
(b) 1936
(c) 1927
(d) 1923 By the Radio Club of Bombay

66. Which one of the following types describes water as a resource?

(a) Abiotic resource
(b) Biotic Resource
(c) Non-renewable Resources
(d) Cyclic Resource

67. Which one of the following south Indian states has the highest groundwater utilization (in percent) of its total groundwater potential?

(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Karnataka
(d) Kerala

68. The highest proportion of the total water used in the country is in which one of the following sectors?

(a) Irrigation
(b) Domestic use
(c) Industries
(d) None of the above

69. Which of the following figures in cubic kilometers correctly shows the total annual precipitation in India?

(a) 2,000
(b) 3,000
(c) 4,000
(d) 5,000

70. What are the four major sources of surface water?

Ans: rivers, lakes, ponds, and tanks.

71. Which is the longest canal in India?

Ans: Indira Gandhi Canal(Originally: Rajasthan Canal).

72. Which valley of India is called "the Ruhr of India"? 

Ans: Damodar Valley

73. Which state is the largest producer of rubber in India? 

Ans: Kerala

74. Which state alone accounts for more than two-thirds of the total production of coffee in the country? 

Ans: Karnataka

75. How many Major Industrial Regions are there in India? 

Ans: 8

The Major Industrial Regions in India

1. Mumabl-Pune Region, 2. Hugli Region, 3. Bengaluru-Tamil Nadu Region, 4. Gujarat region, 5. Chotanagpur Region, 6. Vishakhapatnam-Guntur Region, 7. Gurugram- Delhi-Meerut Region, and 8. Kollam-Thiruvananthapuram Region Minor Industrial Regions (9) Industrial Districts. 

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