
Teaching Social Science Secondary Level

 What are the basic aims and objectives of teaching social science in secondary school in our country?

Here is the answer to this question.

     This article is helpful for the teachers of social science and the teacher trainees having social science as one of the method subjects.

Aims and objectives of teaching Social Science at the secondary school

       Every work should have certain aims. Education is systematic work, so it must have certain aims. In the same way, each subject of the curriculum has certain aims. Social Science as a core subject of the curriculum has some special aims. Again aims of teaching social science in different levels of education should be different and specific. So there must have some special aims of teaching Social Science at the Secondary level. 

The basic aims and objectives of teaching social science at the secondary level
aims and objectives of teaching social science

      After the primary stage, I subject such History, Geography, Economics, and Civics are to be taught as a separate discipline and relations among these are emphasized. Because in Secondary level students become able to understand basic ideas of Social Science. So economics is also taught at this level. So to clear the basic aims and objectives of teaching Social Science at Secondary level gives below a brief account on each branch of Social Science. 

Aims and Objectives of Teaching History at high school

1. To acquaint with change and development of human society. 

       One of the major objectives of teaching History as an essential part of Social Science is to acquaint students with the change and development of human society. It implies the total picture of human development from early-stage to present. 

2. To make a realization about the basic unity of mankind. 

      There are certain basic elements of unity of mankind in the world when forgetting this, clash arises among the people of different races. Thus history aims at teaching to make realize the basic unity of mankind.

3. To develop an appreciation of cultural heritage

       Cultural heritage is the main property of a nation. The social organization of a country also develops a proper understanding of heritage. So spread of cultural heritage is one of the aims of teaching history. 

4. To foster the mutual interaction of various cultures. 

      Culture should be growing and developing. It can be ensured if we can ensure the interaction among cultures. Hence to ensure the interaction in culture is another aim of teaching History. 

5. To acquaint with the history of the world. 

      Administration as well as another development history of the world it is very important to realize the status of the present. The students of secondary level should know the history of the world.

6. To acquaint with different races of people of the world

      We have different races of people in the world. Different races of people have different dresses, food habits, and other personal qualities. But understanding among the people of different races is very important. It is History which can acquaint with the people of different races. 

           Thus the teaching History has specific aims at the secondary level.


Aims and objectives of teaching Geography at the secondary level

      Aims and objectives of teaching Geography as a part of Social Science at secondary level are-

1. To acquaint students with distinctive character to a particular part of the earth's surface. 

      There are distinctive features of different parts of the earth's surface. These features have a great bearing on economical work and the formation of different cultures. So it is the aim of geography to acquaint the students with distinctive features of the earth's surface. 

2. To acquaint the children with the environments of the world

      The natural environment plays a vital role in our life. We should know how the environment influences us and how we should adjust to control such an environment. 

3. To develop a love for different geographical regions

      Through Geography we can develop a love for different geographical regions of the world. It is very important to develop national integration and international understanding. Thus the aim of Geography is very important at present time. 

4. To help generalization of the world problems

     Any natural problems of the world are related to the life of any people of the world. So we should know to generalize the problems of the world. 

5. To acquaint the students with geographical features and production in agriculture 

    Geographical features of the world are very important in the life of the people. Because every walk of our life is related to geographical features that exist naturally. Production in the agricultural field also depends on these features. Thus geography is very essential in the secondary level of education.


Aims and objectives of teaching Civics at the Secondary level

The aims and objectives of teaching Civics at the secondary level are as follows

1. To promote active and intelligent citizen

One of the important aims of teaching Civics at the secondary level is to prepare active and intelligent citizens of our country. It is essential to prepare the young energy for the building of our nation. 

2. To help in the understanding of the political institution of India

A student should not join a political party but he should know how the political institution works.

          In these away we can explain the basic aims and objectives of teaching Social Science at the secondary stages.

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