
Action Research in Science and Mathematics For B.Ed PDF

 Action Research in Science and Mathematics subjects has been provided in this article. A PDF file has been provided in the form of an Ebook.

Action Research in Science and Mathematics For B.Ed PDF
Action Research in Science

Action Research in science and mathematics

Into years b.Ed course the students have to submit the action Research project for completion of their b.Ed course. The subjects science and mathematics are prescribed in the syllabus of 2 years b.Ed course as the method subjects. The students have taken science and mathematics as their method subjects they have to submit this action research project after the completion of 4 months internship program. 

An action Research report on the habit of rote learning in science subject 

The habit of rote learning in science subjects. A study on class 8 students in a higher secondary school in Assam. The action Research report was submitted to Gauhati University in partial fulfilment of b.Ed degree. In this action research project, the research the researcher observed that the students of class 8 updated particular schools that used to learn science subjects without understanding. The students make a heavy top road learning in a science subject. Wrote learning means the process of memorizing something by repeating the subject matter. The attitude of the critics explains that learning does not encourage interaction or Social skills in the classroom. 

Significant of the Study 

Science considers one of the core subjects in middle school. In this stage students, memory and intelligence are at their pick. The depth and inside understanding of science help the students to enlighten their curiosity. Science influences each and every stratum of life. It influences the existence of men to great extent be it vocational social emotional economical political cultural aspects.

The knowledge of science enables students to think logically and solve a problem. It is the problem-solving skills which are learnt in the early years that have to enable them to solve problems. Communication medicine transportation and almost everything they see around them is mainly present because individuals have used their knowledge in these subjects also enable them to understand many other subjects better.

Objectives of the study

1. To analyse the cause of rote learning in science subjects.

2. To observe the changes in behaviour after giving remedial teaching by using different teaching methods.

3. To help the students in understanding science subjects.

4. To study the effects of various teaching methods in learning science subjects in middle school students.

5. To compare students learning behaviour regarding science subjects before and after providing remedial measures.

Action hypothesis

It is assumed that the use of learner-centred methodology and innovative teaching learning material will help the students in eliminating the habit of rote learning and enable the student to acquire deeper knowledge and understanding of science subjects.

Methodology and database

As the present study is action research and it is based on the observation by the teacher of his student's behaviour in science class. That is why in the present study the researcher has used the observation method.

Population and sample

The population is an important part of action research. The present study is concerned with the habits of rote learning of middle school students of class 8. As it is action research and the number of individuals in the population is very small. So the researcher has decided to take the 38 students as a sample. 

Tools of data collection

The selection of tools depends upon various considerations such as the objectives of the study, the amount of time at the disposal of the investigation, available suitable tools and the personal competency of the investigator to administer them. 

The researcher considered all the aspects in a proper manner. For the present study, the researcher has selected two types of tools one is the questionnaire and the other is the teacher-made test.

Pre-test and post-test

For planning good surveys the systematic checking or pre-testing of questionnaires is a very important exercise. Pre-testing means testing the questionnaire in advance for finding out whether it is capable of eliciting appropriate responses from the respondent before administering the tools to the research sample. 

After giving remedial measures the researcher wants to test to what extent a change in the student's behaviour takes place. For this, the researcher administer teacher-made tests from the same three chapters with the same question paper which was used in the pre-test. After collecting data it is found at most of the students answer properly by the respondent. The researcher is satisfied with three of the data gathered for analysis purposes for interpreting the result.

Action research project in science PDF or ebook

For the detailed action research project report please read the following ebook or PDF. For the help of the students or teachers of the subject science the readymade project of this report has been provided in the ebook. 

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