
The purposes of evaluation in social science

 In this article, we shall discuss the purposes of evaluation in social science and the importance of essay-type and objective-type questions in the evaluation of achievement in social science.

The purposes of evaluation in social science
evaluation in social science

The purposes of evaluation in social science

The term evaluation implies value judgment on something. Evaluation is necessary for all subjects. However, the major purposes of evaluation in social science are given below-

1. To know the progress of students

Evaluation in social science shows the progress of students.

2. To know the effectiveness of teaching

Evaluation can help in the effective teaching of teachers.

3. To encourage the students 

Evaluation encourages the students as it gives the result of learning.

4. To detect the defects

The defects of students can be determined by evaluation in social science.

5. To remove the defects

The teacher can remove the defects of social science if he evaluates it.

6. To interpret

Interpretation of certain courses can be done through evaluation.

Importance of essay-type questions 

Essay-type questions have been occupying a major role in the process of evaluation. The importance of essay type test in evaluation are as given below- 

1. To know the understanding

The understanding level of students can be measured by evaluation.

2. To know the writing skills

The writing skills of students can be measured by essay-type tests.

3. Easy to set the question

The test can be set very easily if we use essay type test.

4. To utilize the speed of writing 

Speed of writing can be measured and get the scope of writing.

5. Utilisation of imagination

The imaginative capacity of an individual becomes very useful in essay-type tests.

From the above discussion, it can be concluded that evaluation is useful in social science. Essay-type test help in the evaluation of social science.

Importance of objective type test in social studies

Very short type questions such as multiple choice, fill in blanks, and yes no type questions of evaluation are called object type tests. The importance of objective tests are-

1. Provide extensive sampling

2. Scoring is objective.

3. Take less time in answering as well as scoring.

4. Easy to administer.

5. Valid reliable fair and imparted.

6. Helpful in the evaluation of a child's total growth.

7. To take the real knowledge of the students.

8. Elimination of bluffing.

9. It is free from the whim of the examination.

10. Gifts greater satisfaction to pupils.

11. The question set in an objective-type examination is small and clear.

12. Minimum use of language.

13. The answer to the questions is either yes or no and therefore there is no need to write long answers.

14. It helps to solve the language factor of evaluation.

15. Every examiner has a list of questions so that it is easier for him to examine the answers.

16. It helps to test the sense of time sequence and time sense of the students.

17. The question of discontentment of the students does not at all arise.

18. We can measure the knowledge of a large number of facts acquired by the students within a short period.

19. This system is very suitable from an economic point of view because it costs less than the traditional examination.

20. Discourageous cramming and guessing encourage thinking observation and scrutiny.

21. This system easily distinguishes students of low and sharp intelligence so that the teacher is able to make separate arrangements for teaching the boys of low intelligence.

22. The students take them as a game with great interest.

23. It is convenient for the learners to answer the question because answers are very short.

24. These tests may be made more comprehensive.

25. The errors and weak points are easily detected and the teachers and students may try to remove them.

Thus objective type test is important to determine the real and practical knowledge of children on the subject matter. The scoring process of the evaluation is also very easy and perfect.

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