
Short note on project work in social science

 In this article, we are going to discuss a short note on project work in social studies or the value of excursion in social science.

Short note on project work in social science
project work in social science

Project work in social science

The project method is the expression of the widespread dissatisfaction against the bookish knowledge which makes children inactive and passive learners. Project work provides children ample opportunity and practical experience in life. To define the term project Kilpatrick said that a project is a whole-hearted purposeful activity proceeding in a social environment.

Project work in social studies

The project work in social studies is essential to make the teaching more practical and life oriented. Generally, most of the part of the content of social studies is theoretical. But the content of social studies has a direct impact on our everyday life. Hence the teacher should give the students some project work. For example to give a clear and practical concept of the Panchayat system the teacher can ask the children to visit the village panchayat and prepare a report on how the village panchayat functions. Again he may ask the children to arrange a mock village panchayat in the classroom. In the same way, to teach geographical concepts practically the teacher may arrange visits to the nearest mountain hill river sea ocean lake, etc. Moreover, he may ask the student to collect different types of rocks and write a brief note on the different kinds of rocks. The teacher may also ask the students to prepare a note on a different sea creature.

Thus from the above discussion, it can be said that the teacher can give a different variety of project work to students to make the teaching more practical and real.

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