
Action Research Report for B.Ed Students Social Science

Are you a Teacher, B. Ed student, a Researcher on Education, a practitioner, an Educational faculty, etc.? If 'Yes' then this Action Research Report is very very important for you.

This Action Research Report is specially made for the subject of Social Science but it is helpful for the Researchers in all the fields of Education.

It is a ready-made action research report for B.Ed Students Social Science. All the steps of conducting an Action Research Project are followed systematically in this research.

Learn how to conduct action research and write the project from this ready-made Action Research Report.

Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science

Action Research Report for B.Ed Students In Social Science

Here is the Action Research Report for B.Ed Students in Social Science subject.


Action Research Report Introduction

      Action research is a practical approach to professional inquiry in any social situation. The word
Action Research was used first by a Prof. of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as early as 1946. In 1953, Stephen M. Corey defined Action Research as The process by which practitioners attempt to study their problems scientifically in order to guide and correct decisions, in other words, Action Research is a process by which a practitioner tries to solve his own problem scientifically.
        The example in these components relate to education and are therefore of particular relevance to teachers or lecturers engaged in their daily conduct with children or students-teachers, Educators, supervisors, Administrators, cluster co-coordinators workers of alternative schooling, all are practitioners in the field of education. Besides Block Education officers, District Education officers,
Principals, Headmasters, Teachers educators of DIET, BTC, Normal Schools, B.Ed.Faculty of  CTE
SCET, IASE, Functionaries of alternative schooling all are practitioners in the field of Education. All these functionaries can conduct Action Research in their area of operation diagnose and improve their action thereby discharging their duties more effectively.

To conduct Action Research the researchers must maintain the following process or steps-

1. Identifying problems for Action Research.

2. Find out the probable cause.

3. Identifying the most probable cause.

4.Formulation of Hypothesis.

5. Implementation of the remedial measure or imposed the inventions.

6. Pre-Test and Post-Test may be held (if necessary)

7. Identify the different variables i.e. dependent variables and independent variables.

8. Application of Methodology maintains procedure.

a. Data Collection.
b.List of tools.
d.Data Analyses and Interpretation.

Action Research Report Theoretical Background Of The Study

1.Name of Researcher:-

2.Name of the Institute:-

3.Research Problem:-Poor Achievement in Social Science of Class- IX.

4. Statement of the Problem: More than 40% of students of class IX are poor in Social Science.

5.Target Group:-: Achievement of some students in class IX is very poor in social science. The target would be those students who scored below 30% of marks in the Pre-Test.

6.Probable Causes

The probable causes are as follows:

1.Lack of previous knowledge.

2.Less use of TLM in the class.

3.Traditional Method of Teaching.

4.Irregular attendance in the class.

5.Lack of attention in the class.

6.The poor economic condition of parents.

7.Less Guidance by the teacher and parents.

8. Maximum parents are illiterate.

9.Lack of proper educational environment in the school.

10. Lack of trained teachers.

11.Less of Co-operation between teachers and parents.

12.Poor infrastructure in the school.

13.Lack of joy in a full class.

14.Lack of awareness among the parents in Education.

15.Less study of the students at home.

VII. Most Probable Causes:

  It is assumed that out of the above mentioned probable causes there are some causes on whose the achievement of the students mainly depends. We can say these causes most probable causes. On these most probable causes, we have to work for the better upliftment of the students. These most probable causes are as follows:

1.Irregular attendance of the students in the class.

2.Lack of previous knowledge.

3.Traditional Method of Teaching.

4.Lack of Motivation.


A fourth advantage of the use of Action Research is it plays an important role in the improvement of specific pedagogical practices. It has changed through the work of action research, where educators realized that students were not getting enough just by playing sports. By conducting Action Research the researcher can improve or change his current practice. Any practitioner conducts Action Research for their professional development. Action Research can help a practitioner to reflect upon
and analyses his way of functioning. He can try out innovative practices to better his performance. So, Action Research for practitioners in education is very essential.

By conducting Action Research teacher, teacher educators, or other educational functionaries

1. Solve the immediate problems faced by them.

2. Improve his current practices.

3. Try out innovative practices.

4. Critically examine existing practices in education.

5. Make an unsatisfactory situation to satisfactory.

6. Use the data collected from different sources.

7. Improve the quality of students, education.

8. Improve the professional skills of the teacher.

9. Change the classroom environment as per need understanding the psychology of students.

Finally, action research has the advantage of developing a culture of inquiry in the school and reflective educational practice on the part of the classroom teacher. Through action research, several new techniques have developed which help increase the level of inquiry in the classroom. Simply it can be said that any educational functionary can conduct an Action Research project for the development of his current practices. It develops the quality of students, teachers, and education
as well.


From the pre-test, it is observed that more than 50% of the students of this School are poor in Social Science. Therefore, this study is conducted to find out the reasons for the poor achievement of the students.

The main objectives of the study are as follows:

1. The study is about the poor achievement of the students.

2. To find out the reasons for the poor achievements of the students.

3. To find out the dependent and independent variables of the study.

4. To minimize or solve the effects of the dependent variable.

5. To identify the drawbacks of the present teaching methods.

6. To develop the current teaching techniques.

7. To develop the understanding skill of students student's psychology.

8. To enhance the attendance of the students in the class.

9. To create the class joyfully.

10. To develop the class and school environment.

11. To find out the areas where remedial measures should be taken.


An action hypothesis is one that is formed in action research. A hypothesis could be in declarative forms, predictive form, question form, or null form. An action hypothesis is formed after listing all possible causes and choosing the most likely causes among them.

The action hypothesis of this study can be mentioned as follows:

.1.Increasing the attendance of the students in the class, the Achievement of the students can be developed.

2. Previous knowledge of the subject helps the students to understand better their own subjects, so providing previous knowledge of the subject to the students.

3.Introducing the modern Methods of Teaching (child-centered Method) and maximizing the use of
Teaching-learning Materials (TLM). the interest of the students in class and subject will increase.

4. Motivating the students regarding their future, the achievement of the students can be developed.

Simply it can be said that by increasing the attendance, providing the previous knowledge, introducing modern teaching methods and proper TLM, and Motivating the students, the achievements of the students in Social Science can be improved.


The present action research problem is Poor Achievement in Social Science of class- 9 students of (Name of School). The current study is related to solve this problem or finding the causes of the problem and taking the remedial measures. In order to conduct the action research project on the poor achievement of some students in social science of the said madrassa, the researcher has used different kinds of tools like Pre-Test, Student's Attendance Register Book, Questionnaire, Observation, Home visit, Remedial Classes, Motivating Classes, Post-Test, etc. that means the source of data is primary in nature.


There are 79 students in class IX of (Name of School) this year. As social science is a core subject, all the students have social Science as a compulsory subject. It is found that there are 61 out of 79 students were present in the Pre-Test. Again it is noticed that 7 students were totally absent in the class for a long time. It is informed that these 7 students have left the school that is why these (79-7) 72 students have been taken as the subject of study. Conducting the Pre-Test it is observed that out of 55, 19 students have secured less than 30% marks. These (19+11) 30 students
were taken as the target group for the study.

Table showing the details of the Pre-Test-1

Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science


To conduct the present study on poor achievements of students of class IX in social science of (Name of school) the researcher has been used the following tools:

1.7.1 Questionnaire:

Questionnaires are instruments used for collecting data. The Questionnaire usually includes a set of standardized questions that explore a specific topic and collect information about demographics, opinions, attitudes or behaviors."A questionnaire is a systematic complication of questions from specific units or chapters that are submitted to a sampling of the population from which information is desired. In the case of the present study also questionnaire has been used as a tool for data collection. To get information regarding the family background, economic status, information about the activities performed by the students at home, information about the students from the teachers, classmates a questionnaire is used. The questionnaire has been attached along with this report last.

1.7.2. Observation:

Sometimes, the best way of data collection is Observation. This can be done directly or indirectly with the subject knowledge or unaware that they are observed. In this situation, continuous observation may be used. When the objects do not know that they are observed, then they behave naturally and
accurate information can be collected. In the present study also some information regarding the students is collected through the method of observation. Here also the behavior and different kinds of activities students are observed during morning assembly, daily class activities, community activities, sports days, observation days and in different kinds of situations, etc. Besides these, the class attendance, classwork, homework, etc. were observed properly and regularly to gather information
about the targeted students.

1.7.3. Attendance Register of Students:

Another very important tool of data collection regarding students' attendance is an attendance register. The attendance register of class IX is one of the most important sources of data collection. From here the regularity of the students had been checked regularly.

1.7.4 Evaluation Report Cards:

The term " Report Card" is used to describe any systematic listing and evaluation of something for information. Generally, the report card is prepared by listing different kinds of information regarding the achievement of the students. Generally, it is prepared annually. It can be prepared monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually. In the present scenario also these report cards are used for data
collection regarding the achievements or the problems faced by them.

1.7.5 Interviews:

Interviews are also a very important source of data collection. An interview is a conversation where questions are asked and answers are given. In common parlance, the word "interview" refers to a one-on-one conversation with one person acting in the role of the interviewer and the other in the role of the interviewee. The interviewer asks questions, the interviewee responds.

 1.7.5 Teachers Diary:

Another very important source of data collection is the Teacher's diary. The academic or non-academic information is collected from the diary of the parent-teacher.

1.7.7. Guardian's Meet:

The proper information regarding the students' interests, hobbies, study environment, peers, playmates, family background, etc were collected through the gradient's meet. In the present study also the researcher has collected the information through the interview of students and parents or the guardians of the students. The parents were met several times and collected information from them
regarding their children.


Data can be collected from Primary and Secondary sources. Primary data are those which are collected for the first time and primary in nature, on the other hand, Secondary data are those which are already collected for others for other reasons and used for the second time. In the current study, the data are primary in nature since data are collected for the first time and for these reasons only. In this study, the information regarding students is collected by applying different kinds of tools like
the questionnaire, observations, interviews, attendance register.
          Through the questionnaire, the researcher has collected the personal information of students like name, age, sex, guardians' name, father's occupations, interest, address, family background, etc., through interview of parents, the information relating to the family background, home time consumption, behavior at home, study time, etc. can be Collected, again observation helps the researcher to understand the student's psychology and attendance register helps the researcher to know about the regularity of the students in the class. Therefore all the above tools are used to collect information about the students at school and at home.


                                       FEEDBACK / OPERATIONAL

    As I am a student of B. Ed. course. I was sent to (Name of school) for a period of 4 months in the internship period. As I am an arts graduate and my method subjects are Social Science and Assamese. When I started to give some classes of social science in class IX, I felt that some pupils are very poor in social science. On this assumption, I decided to conduct action research and wanted to find out the reasons for the poor achievement of the students in social science and also to take remedial measures. Keeping these things in mind I followed the following steps.

2.1. PRE-TEST:

        On the assumption that some students are poor in social science, I conducted a Pre-Test for selecting the students whose achievements are very poor in the subject. After consulting with the superintendent and class teacher regarding the problem l have fixed the date of the test. Taking permission a question paper of 25 marks was set for 1 hour. The question paper included different types of questions like- objective type, very short type, short type, and essay type questions which are allotted I to 4 marks.
      It is found that there are 61 out of 79 students were present in the Pre-Test. Again it is noticed that there are students who were totally absent in the class for a long time. It is informed that these 7 students have left the school that is why these (79-7) 72 students have been taken as the subject of study. Conducting the Pre-Test it is observed that out of 6l, 11 students were absent in the test and 19 students have secured less than 30% marks. These (19+1)30 students were taken as a target group for the study.

Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science


After getting the target group, the real activities started to develop the performances of the students in social science. The remedial measures which are taken during this internship period are explained below:


       To get proper information regarding the students, their homes were visited Several times. I collected proper personal information about their interest, favorite pass time, source of family income, home environment, family members, educational facilities, communication facilities, etc. The researcher informed the parents of the students about their academic performance and regularities in
the school. The researcher also described the importance of education now a day. It was felt that the home visit of the teacher gives much inspiration to students as well as the other family members including their parents. They also promised to do better in the future.


      After getting the target group, it is assumed that maximum students did not understand the topics clearly. It was also assumed that further classes are very much important to clear the topics. As a result, a discussion was held with the superintendent and prepared the date and time for the remedial classes. It was decided to take remedial classes for 4 days in the month of April and for 4 days in the month of May. The researcher had applied modern teaching methods and proper TLM for the remedial classes. To improve the achievement of the poor student.


       Earlier proper TLM was not used or TLM for each and every class was not used but after getting the target group and understanding the importance of TLM, the TLM was used for each and every class where necessary. Accordingly, the students become more active in the classes and started to give more attention and interest in the classes. Simply it can be said that the students became more motivated and active in the class after using the TLM in classes.


       Giving importance to the students some motivated classes were given for the development of the students. Sometimes giving the example of the great man or explaining the motivating stories or explaining the demerits of illiteracy, the students were motivated. In the month of April 2 motivating classes were given, one for the only target group and one for the whole class. Again it was assumed that the students became motivated and inspired.


For the target groups, some extra home works were given so that they get some extra opportunities to try the lesson and clear their doubt. Again some extra care was given to them for their home works. They were inspired and asked to do the homework regularly and carefully.


The attendance of the students was checked regularly and feedback was given to the students. The students were motivated to present in the class in different ways. Also, the students were asked the reasons for the irregularity in the class, if it was possible the proper solution was given, classes were made interesting using the TLMs.


It was one of the main remedial measures. If the students were found less motivated, irregular in the class, poor achievement, less interested, or problematic then personal interactions were made with the students and proper information or measures were taken. Sometimes it was found that the students do not have previous knowledge, poor economic condition, and poor educational environment at home, etc. As per the problems the remedial measures were taken.


           The researcher had organized the awareness program among the parents of the students with poor achievements students. There are five days such type of awareness meeting had been organized among the parents of the poor students. n the month of April, 20018 2 days and in the month of June
20018 there were three days that had been selected in different places and had discussed among the parents for their children. The parent had shown more interest regarding education, regularity in the school, and reading at the home of the children.


         The researcher had organized the parent-teacher meet at school with the Consultation of Headmaster and the teaching staff of the school. The parent-teacher meet in the school reflects the condition of the students and the Headmaster and teaching staff had discussed the total educational value and the importance of education for the children. Also, the demerits of early marriage were elaborated. The parent had an interest regarding their children in reading regularity punctuality in the teaching-learning system in the school and at the home respectively. This meet was held in the month of June 2018.


       The researcher had prepared ready-made question-answers for the poor students. The questions were knowledge and examination-based and provide to the poor student and that helped the poor students. Besides, extra learning materials had been provided to the poor students.


               The researcher had developed his class in different ways such as the class make joyful and accordingly the poor students show more interest and pay attention in the class. Thus the students had gained more than the previous classes.


             The researcher had provided more in respect of reading books, home works, home reading, regular attendance in the class, the value of education to make themselves perfect citizens, and how to encounter future challenges in the society and country. The instruction and suggestions had influenced the mind of the students and accordingly, they paid attention in the class as well as
reading the books at home.


           The researcher had created interest among the students to read more about the social science subject. The knowledge of social science helps the students to lead their personal life smoothly. Social science provides the present situation and political conditions of the country which helps an individual to lead his social life.


             The researcher had taken proper remedial measures for the upliftment of the students. Although the researcher had tried most due to some shortcomings proper measures were not applied. Even after applying the Remedial Measures or interventions among the target group during the 3 or 4 months, the researcher wanted to check the development of the students. As per decision the researcher again prepared a questionnaire on particular units or chapters for conducting Post-Test to
test their upliftment in knowledge on the subject after consulting with the Head Master on a particular date. Accordingly, the investigator holds the post-test and the researcher also evaluate the answer scripts and find out the following results:
Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science




In this study, data are carefully collected from Attendance Register, from Pre-Test and Post-Test
result. The tables were prepared on the basis of the objectives of the present study.


To select the target group a test was conducted. There are 72 regular students in class IX of
(Name of school) in the year 20018. It is found that there were 61 out of 72 students were present and 11 were absent in the Pre-Test. The total mark was 25 and the pass mark was fixed at 7. The marks obtained by the students are organized in the table as follows:

Table showing the distribution of marks in Pre-Test

Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science

Conducting the Pre-Test it was observed that out of 61, 19 students have secured less than 30% marks
and 42 students get marks more than 30% and 11 students were absent. These (19+11) 30 students
were taken as the target group for the study.

Table showing the details of the Pre-Test-1

Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science

The information is shown in the pie chart

Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science


After taking the remedial measures the attendance of the students also increased. Earlier the
attendance of some students was very poor. The average attendance of the students was increased which is shown as follows-

Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science

Post Test:

Taking the remedial measures a test was constructed to test the development of the students. The marks obtained by the students are mentioned in the form of the table below:

Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science

In the table, it can be shown that only 1 student gets marks less than 7. Maximum students get
marks between 16 to 19. The result can also summarize as below:

Table showing the details of the Post-Test

Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science

The result shows that among 30 students, the 29 students get above 30% marks e.i. 96.66 % and 1 student get below 30% mark i.e. 3.44%.

Comparison Between Pre-Test and Post-Test:

We can compare the marks obtained in the pre-test and post-test by the target group as bellow to
check the development of the target group as a result taken the remedial measures:

Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science

Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science

The information can be shown in the bar diagram as follows-

Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science

The percentage-wise differences are shown below:

Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science


         During the internship period, action research has done. There are many things that come
through action research. This action research helps all the teachers to find out their short comes and also has provided opportunities to develop them for their professional development. It is known to everybody that teacher is the heart of the educational system, without the professional development of teachers, the teaching-learning system can achieve the target. This action research will help the teacher in this matter. The major finding of the study can be listed as follows:

1. There are 72 students both boys and girls in class IX having Social Science as a compulsory subject.

2. Near about 31.15 percent of the students were poor in social science.

3. Maximum students were irregular in the class.

4. A major portion of parents of the students is financially not sound.

5. Maximum Parents are illiterate.

6. The school has fewer TLMs.

7. The educational environment of the school is not rich or up to marks.

8. The previous knowledge of the students is not sufficient in social science.

9. The students are not sincere in reading.

10. Girls students are less meritorious than boys.

11. The infrastructure of the school is not rich.

12. After remedial classes, the dependent students perform well.

Lastly, it can be said that the hypothesis of the study is correct. As after taking the remedial measures, the achievement of the students becomes good and the problems of Poor Achievement of the students of class IX in Social Science are resolved.



Based on the results of the present study the researcher would like to give some remedial measures for the improvement of students who have not achieved more marks in social science subject in (Name of the school) in class IX.


1. The Headmaster is to conduct an action research program by the subject concern teacher as well as he himself conduct Action Research.

2. The awareness program is to conduct among the parents of the students to co-operate the researches to conduct the action research.

3. The Headmaster should take initiative to provide knowledge about Action Research among the teachers.

4. The class teacher should take initiative to conduct Action Research.

5. The class teachers should give maximum importance to the attendance of the students.

6. The teachers should give equal importance to each and every student.

7. The class teachers should give importance to the sitting arrangement of the students.

8. The last bench sitter should call to the first bench.

9. The subject teachers should take personal care of the poor students.

10. Teachers should visit the home of students frequently.

11. The Headmaster is to take initiative to awareness among the students who are poor in a social science subject and to co-operate with the concerned teachers.

12. Headmaster should provide maximum support to conduct Action Research in different areas or subject among the teaching staff.

13. The teachers should use maximum TLM for each and every class.

14. The teachers should conduct a class test after completing a lesson.

15. The teachers should conduct remedial classes for poor achievement students.

16. Headmaster should take initiative to conduct Action Research in the different subjects along
with social science.

17. Headmaster should create co-operation among the teachers to conduct Action Research.

18. The teachers should arrange some inspirational classes for the students.

19. Headmaster should himself conduct Action Research in different areas and may inspire the other teachers to conduct Action Research.

20. The Headmaster should organize the meeting among the teachers along with the parents of the students base on the results of Action Research who had already conducted the Action Research.

21. The school Should conduct a workshop on Action Research among the teachers by inviting experts who have sufficient knowledge about Action Research.

22. The Headmaster can Provide financial assistance to the teachers to conduct Action Research in different had subjects or to minimize to current problems of the school or in the classes.


          The Action Research is a research project by which the practitioner can improve his current practices, which may be a teacher or any other professionals in the present study of action research the researcher had conducted action research on poor achievement in social science in class IX or the school and local area. In the different probable causes and accordingly the researchers had imposed remedial measures or intervention upon the probable causes. As a result, the researcher had found good feedback which was his expectation. So any teacher of Social Science subject of such related problems is found in his practices he can conduct the action research for improving existing practices by applying the above-mentioned interventions which had applied in the current study.

1.3.Limitation of the study:

To Conduct the action research the researcher has been found the following constraints.

1. Students were not showing interest in this purpose first.

2. Parents were not fully cooperating with the research.

3. Colleagues were also not so much interested or help to conduct this action research.

4. After completing the regular classes the students were shown less interest to attend the remedial classes.

5. Other school staff were not provided maximum support for conducting action research.

6. Financial problem is also a major problem to conduct action research.

7. Maximum guardians are illiterate hence they do not even understand the importance of action research.

8. Students always fill hesitations in the name of test/examination.

9. The economic condition of the family of the students are not good as a result the do some earning activities instead of coming to school.



To conduct this Action Research some activities had to perform during this four months internship period. The activities are mentioned in the following table:-

Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science


To Conduct, the action Research the researcher has expended the following amount in different

Action Research Project for B.Ed Students Social Science

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