
Role of Hypotheses in Research | Hypotheses Its Importance

The present article is concerned with the role of hypothesis in research. Know the importance of it and the research without hypothesis. You are also able to know the sources of hypothesis, necessary conditions for hypothesis formulation, characteristics, forms, its criteria for acceptability and testing of it.

Role of Hypotheses in Research

Hypotheses have special significance in the research. Researchin a sense, is a systematic process of cognition. Research helps to find out facts of a phenomenon or a problem. In the words of Koul (1999), 'The hypothesis can precisely be defined as a tentative or working proposition suggested as a solution to a particular problem, and the theory as the final hypothesis which is protectively supported by all the evidence. The final hypothesis which adjusts all the evidence finds out the chief conclusion." Hypotheses are scientific assumptions or suggestions or which contribute to a lot to the understanding of inherent realities of an event, problem, situation or a phenomenon. In systematic investigation assumptions or guesses play very important roles. In the words of Kirilenko and Korshunova (1985), 'Many scientific discoveries emerged from guesses. The hypothesis is unique in that it is of a conjectural and probable character. As the evolution of knowledge as a whole, a hypothesis is formed in answer to man's requirements and goals.

What role do hypotheses play in cognition? Scientists suggest various hypotheses in order to somewhat elucidate the goals of research, to synthesize old and new knowledge by means of suggested ideas. The more closely the hypothesis is linked together With real facts which serve to corroborate it, the greater its cognitive role. A scientific hypothesis must, first of all, explain an entire range of the facts, the whole aggregate of the given phenomena, while not contradicting, as far as possible, the data established earlier. However, if such a contradiction is inevitable, the author of the hypothesis should have good reason to consider the previously established data as insufficiently authenticated. 

In the process of research, the hypotheses act as the most powerful tool that helps in achieving a specific form of knowledge. Hypotheses help to confirm the knowledge that is found with the help of observation. Again observation is systematically realized in practice with the help of hypotheses. The confirmation of hypotheses leads to the level of theory i.e., the concrete form of knowledge and the confirmation of the applicability of the theory in the universal arena of knowledge, i.e., well-established theory, gives the form of law. One of the most important goals of scientific research, as mentioned earlier, i.e., the explanation is possible only with the help of the hypotheses. In the words of Copi and Cohen (1995), 'an explanation is a group of statements or a story from which the thing to be explained can logically be inferred and whose acceptance removes or diminishes its problematic or puzzling character. 

Explanation of hypotheses helps the researcher to find out the realities of the problem undertaken for the study. With the help of theory prediction, which is one of the important goals of scientific research, is possible. In the words of Mohanakumar (2008), Theory refers to the meaningful relationship between facts and without theory, science could yield no predictions. The theory remains as speculation until it is proved. Once it is tested theory becomes a fact. One has to find more relationship among the facts in a theory. It is possible only by constructing a hypothesis (es). Theory guides us in our research. Every worthwhile theory permits the Formulation of hypothesis. Without a theory, it is impossible to find any effective meaning in the research itself. So it is the duty of every researcher to link the problem into the related theory and intelligently deduce a new relation from among the existing theories. 

Thus, in the process of verification and confirmation of knowledge hypotheses, have special importance. Parallel to this to frame hypotheses theoretical knowledge or theory has special significance. Hypotheses are in a sense, the generalizations of knowledge which are drawn from theory. When such generalizations in the form of hypotheses are tested and found fit for acceptance such hypotheses become the part of the theory. Thus, behind theories hypotheses remain present and behind hypotheses, theories remain present.

Importance of Hypotheses in Research

In scientific research, the prediction has special importance. Prediction, as mentioned earlier is one of the most important goals of scientific research or inquiry. In such research, hypotheses are recognized very important to make predictions about the result. In the experimental type of research, the prediction is regarded as one of the most important activities where important roles are played by the hypotheses. In quantitative research, hypotheses lead the researcher towards the final conclusions. Research data are collected and such data are analyzed and interpreted according to the hypotheses that are framed depending on the objectives of such studies. The objectives are selected according to the nature of the problem. The problem areas and the research problems are selected on the basis of knowledge that is gathered by the thorough analysis of research literature or previous studies, observations and personal experiences of the researchers. In the words of Mohanakumar (2008), 'Facts are dependent upon a theoretical framework for their meaning. The next most important step is to ask questions which lead to scientific propositions. A hypothesis thus states what we are looking for. The building blocks of hypotheses are variables, i.e., independent and dependent variables. Hypotheses are if-then statements
categorized in logical forms. A hypothesis is a statement that proposes a relationship between two or more variables. It is d tentative statement about how the researcher thinks the variables may be related to each other.

  1. Hypotheses are the guidelines which help to proceed towards the ultimate goal of research. Extension of knowledge, in à particular area, is possible depending on the hypotheses. Inetentative explanations of facts and phenomena are tested and verified depending on the hypotheses. 
  2. Hypotheses help the researchers to assess the findings of research activities beforehand. From the known point, hypotheses help the researcher to proceed towards the unknown point of knowledge. 
  3. In the research process, hypotheses remind the researchers of the actual destination of research activities. 
  4. Hypotheses work as the guiding force or principles of research activities. Researchers summed up their research activities according to the direction of the hypotheses. Hypotheses help the researchers to reach the stage of summarization of research results.
  5. Data based research activities are systematically completed depending on the hypotheses. Hypotheses help the researchers to complete their research works without any complexities and puzzles.

Research without Hypotheses

In all types of researches, there is no use of hypotheses. Hypotheses play pivotal roles in data-based or quantitative research works but in qualitative research, hypotheses play less
important roles. In a sense, qualitative research works are accomplished without any hypotheses. In historical and descriptive research studies the researchers do not try to make any prediction. They simply try to find out the historical facts and try to analyze the position of a variable in their present settings or positions. In such research, the researchers do not try to make any prediction. They simply try to logically summarize the data that are collected in the form of experiences, explanations, textual Information, etc. Therefore, in such type of studies, the researchers are to define the objectives in a very systematic manner and they are to precede accordingly towards the logical summarizations or conclusions of their research works.

In the words of Mahanakumar (2008), 'Research can be carried out even without framing either a descriptive hypothesis or a statistical hypothesis provided it proceeds on well defined specific objectives. In such a case the result of the study has to be interpreted in terms of some classical eminent studies in the area.

In action research, either hypotheses or research questions may be used as per the demand of research situations. In the form of the statement, the contents of research hypotheses may be placed and such contents may be placed as a research question.

Sources of Hypotheses

The term source means a place, person, or thing from which something originates. Sources of hypotheses generally mean the person or thing from which hypotheses are framed. Mental activities of the researchers have special importance in the process of hypotheses formulation. The power of cognition helps to a greater extent in the process of hypotheses formulation. The review of related literature or research literature and observations and experiences of the researcher are the main sources of hypotheses formulation. Above all these, established theories and existing stock of knowledge are the other sources of hypotheses formulation. Therefore, to frame hypotheses, thorough analyses of the research literature, and observations as well as researcher's experiences etc. have special significance. 

In action research hypotheses or research questions are put by scrutinizing the contents of the objectives. Research objectives are very important at the time formulating the research hypotheses or setting research questions. In action research, the experiences of the researcher or teacher help indefinite way at the time of setting research questions. Research questions die not ordinary questions. Such questions are the guidelines for the
solutions of a particular research problem. Therefore, for setting research questions there is the need for proper research experiences and inquisitiveness. Insight of the researcher helps in the process of formation of research hypotheses or setting research questions.

Necessary Conditions for Hypotheses Formulation

To formulate hypotheses, above all intellectual maturity the researchers should be well acquainted with the pros and cons of a particular problem. Hypotheses are well thought, systematically worded and verifiable propositions suggested as a solution to a problem. Such propositions are framed with the help of systematically gathered knowledge of a specific problem. The conditions which generally contribute to the formulation of hypotheses are: -

The richness of background knowledge; Versatility of intellect and Analogy and other practices. The richness of background knowledge generally means the researcher's a thorough knowledge of all the aspects of that problem which is undertaken for the study. The researcher should know in details the problem that is undertaken for the study. The researcher is to know beforehand the solutions of the problem undertaken for the study. Hypotheses are formulated simply to assess the authenticity of knowledge that is found out in the forms of research findings. Therefore, the richness of background knowledge has special importance in hypotheses formulation. The versatility of intellect is another condition which has special significance in the process of hypotheses formulation. The term versatility has been originated from the Latin term 'versatile'. Versatile means are able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities. On the other hand, the term intellect means the power of reasoning and understanding objectively. Thus, the versatility of intellect means able to adapt the power of reasoning and understanding objectively to many different activities. For the formulation of hypotheses, the researcher is to develop an insight into the whole problem and he/she should partially know the future solution of the problem undertaken for the study. Analogy and other practices are the important conditions of hypotheses formulation. Analogy means a way of explaining something by comparing it to something else. It also means a partial similarity. Human learning, in most of the cases, proceeds from known to the unknown point. We begin at a known point and proceed towards the unknown point. 

In research also the researcher can apply his/her knowledge of relevant areas for the solution of a similar problem. Comparison or comparative analysis helps to find out solutions to many problems. Human learning generally depends on past experiences and training. The simple known point leads the human being towards the complex unknown point of knowledge. Thus analogy and other practices or experiences have been treated as important conditions of hypotheses formulation.

Characteristics of Hypothesis

The term characteristic means a quality typical of a person or thing. Characteristics of hypothesis mean the quality typical of hypothesis. To serve the purposes intended by the researcher hypothesis should have the characteristics given below:-

  1. The base of the hypothesis is the existing available data. Hypothesis represents the observed facts. It should be in agreement with the facts observed by the researcher. There should not be any difference between the contents of the hypothesis and the observed facts. 
  2. There should not be any conflict of hypothesis with any established law of nature. It has already been mentioned that hypothesis partially represents the theory and law as well. verified form of the hypothesis itself is theory. Parallel to this after verification, wholly accepted hypothesis in the arena of knowledge 1s nothing but the law. Therefore, there should not be any conflict between hypothesis and theory; and hypothesis and law as well The contents of the hypothesis should be worded thoughtfully and the language of the hypothesis should be clear, easy and non-bias. 
  3. The hypothesis should possess the quality of empirical verification. The term empirical means based on observation or experience rather than theory or logic. Thus, the hypothesis should permit the application of the process of deductive reasoning.
  4. The design of the hypothesis should be easily testable. After testing, the hypothesis should give the intended result according to the relevant objective. 

Thus the hypotheses should help the researcher to develop an insight into the whole problem. Hypotheses should help the researcher to have a clear picture of the probable findings of the problem undertaken for investigation.

Forms of Hypothesis

The term form is originated from the Latin term 'forma' which means 'a mould or form'. Form means the visible shape or arrangement of something. In other words, it means a particular
way in which a thing exists; a type. Thus, forms of hypothesis mean the visible shape or type of hypothesis. There are mainly the undermentioned forms of hypothesis found in practice, such as Declarative form, Prediction form, Question form and Null form.

The term declarative means making a declaration; taking the form of a simple statement. The declarative form of hypothesis states the relationship between the variables concerned in the form of a simple statement. 

The term prediction means a forecast; the action of predicting. Such type of hypothesis where the forecast is made is generally used in the excremental type of research to state principles which the researcher expects to find out from his/her experiment. 

The Question form of hypothesis is framed in the form of a question. Instead of the form of simple statement, the hypothesis may be framed in the form of a question. The term null has been originated from the Latin term 'nullus' which means 'none'. The term null means having the value zero. The null hypothesis states that no significant difference exists between the variables concerned (Ho). The null hypothesis is also explained as a negative hypothesis. In the words of Best and Kahn (1999), 'The null hypothesis relates to a statistical method of interpreting conclusions about population characteristics that are inferred from the variable relationships observed in samples. The null hypothesis asserts that observed differences or relationships merely result from chance errors inherent in the sampling process. Most hypotheses are the opposite of the null hypothesis. In such a case, if the researcher rejects the null hypothesis, he or she accepts the research hypothesis, concluding that the magnitude of the observed variable relationship is probably too great to attribute to sampling error.

Criteria of Acceptability of Hypotheses

The term 'criteria' is the plural form of the term 'criterion'. The term criterion has been originated from the Greek term Kriterion'. Criterion means a standard by which something may be judged or decided. Thus, criteria of acceptability of hypotheses mean the standards by which the acceptability of hypotheses is judged. Experts have expressed different views regarding the criteria of acceptability of the hypotheses. In the words of Copi & Cohen (1995), Five criteria are commonly used in judging the worth or acceptability of hypotheses:-
  1. Relevance
  2. Testability
  3. Compatibility with previously well-established hypotheses
  4. Predictive or explanatory power
  5. Simplicity
  1. The term relevance is the noun form of the term relevant. This term is originated from the Latin term 'relevance' means to rise up. Relevant means are closely connected or appropriate to the Current matter. The hypotheses are framed to explain some acts or theories. So, hypotheses should anyway be relevant to the facts or theories which are intended to explain. The facts that are represented by the hypotheses should be deduced (arrive at by reasoning) from the proposed hypotheses. We have already mentioned earlier that hypotheses are framed from theories or facts to find out new theories or facts.
  2. Testability is the second criteria. All scientific hypotheses are testable. The test is a means of testing something. For verification and acceptance, hypotheses should be tested. Therefore, every hypothesis should be testable, which is one of the most important criteria of an acceptable hypothesis. Acceptability is determined by testability.
  3. Compatibility with previously well-established hypotheses is another criterion of the determination of acceptability. The term compatible means are able to exist or be used together without conflict. In other sense, it means (of two) able to have a good relationship. Every acceptable hypothesis should be compatible or able to have a good relationship with other hypotheses.
  4. Predictive or explanatory power is another very important criterion of an acceptable hypothesis. Every hypothesis should have predictive or explanatory power. Such prediction or explanation should any way represent the realities of the theory and the facts wherefrom the hypotheses are originated.
  5. Simplicity means the quality of being simple. The criterion of simplicity is a 'natural' One to invoke. In ordinary life as well as in science, we are inclined to accept the simplest theory that fits all the available facts. In a criminal trial, for example, the prosecution seeks to develop a plausible hypothesis that includes the guilt of the accused and that fits in with all the available evidence, while the defence seeks to develop an alternative plausible hypothesis that also fits all of the available evidence but that includes the innocence of the accused. Both sides may succeed. The case may then be decided- perhaps ought to be decided- in favour of the hypothesis that is simpler, more natural. 

Roy, Bhola Nath (1986), has explained the conditions of the legitimate or valid hypothesis as the given below:

  1. The hypothesis must not be self-contradictory or absurd but should be conceivable and definite. 
  2. The hypothesis must be free from conflict with established truths. 
  3. The hypothesis must be based on facts and must-have for its object a real cause or Vera causa. 
  4. Lastly, the hypothesis must be verifiable.

Testing of Hypothesis

We have already mentioned about the testability which determines the condition of acceptability of hypothesis. The ingredients of hypotheses are taken from theory or facts. Both construction and testing of the hypothesis are very important processes. Observation and summarization of collected materials also served as the basis of the process of hypotheses formulation. Charles Darwin (1809-1882) the great English naturalist mostly depended on observation to propose the hypothesis about evolution. The condition of hypothesis formulation, as mentioned earlier, is an analogy. Through analogy, we can formulate the hypothesis. In the words of Kirilenko & Korshunova (1985), 'Scientists in the field of cybernetics, for example; try to transfer their knowledge about the animal kingdom to technology; a special science related to this kind of knowledge-bionics- has even branched off. Many machines have been built based on analogies with animals; the wings of a bird helped man to create an aeroplane, the body of a dolphin suggested the shape of a submarine, etc.' 

Thus, man verifies the correctness of a hypothesis. Man tests the usability of a hypothesis. Such processes help man to find out new knowledge or add new ideas, concepts, explanations etc. with the existing stock of knowledge. In the words of Sidhu (1992), 'After formulating a hypothesis, it is necessary to deduce its consequences- select or develop tools that will determine whether these consequences actually occur, and use the tools thereby collecting facts that will either confirm or disconfirm the hypothesis.
There are two fairly means of testing the hypothesis: 

  1. the study of hypothesis for logical consistency; and 
  2. the study of hypothesis for agreement with fact. 

The study of hypothesis for logical consistency is a phase of thinking, It consists of checking the logical character of the reasoning by which the consequences of hypotheses are deduced for verification. The study of hypothesis for agreement with fact helps to know the points of agreement with the theory or facts or other sources wherefrom the hypothesis is formulated. It helps to establish the correctness of the base of knowledge, facts etc. were from a hypothesis is framed. Anyway, the process of testing of hypothesis helps to determine the consistency and Correctness of established knowledge, facts, experiences etc.

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